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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Le Fil

Le Fil, the second album for ridiculously gifted Parisienne vocalist Camille Dalmais, is one of the most expressive, experimental albums to go multi-platinum, anywhere, ever. Ridiculously popular in her homeland (400,000 Frenchmen can't be wrong!), Camille's second slab is a cockeyed concept record, in which the 28-year-old's glorious voice is layered on into an army-of-she, caroling, croaking, and clicking her way through a suite-like set of intensely rhythmic tunes strung along a conceptual "thread" (i.e. Le Fil). Strung throughout the gear's 15-track/36-minute main body, then resounding for another half-hour after the songs are done, is a single resonating tone, ringing out, without cease, throughout the entire album. The tone isn't a drone; it's just a simple B, hummed by Camille, then looped into infinitum, with every song "arising" from it. This B is a constant building block, a common key stitching the disc together perfectly. That it's a vocal sound is as key as the key, for this kooky conceptual compact disc is composed almost entirely from mouth sounds: Camille, producer Majiker, and collaborateur Sly (of splintered Français hip-hop collective Saïan Supa Crew) drawing inspiration from Zap Mama, Matmos, and — of course! — Björk as they layer on singing, chanting, and all manner of beat-boxing, cutting and splicing such syllablism into songs whose percussive splutter cracks with that hip-hopper's make-it-spit! desire.

The results are good enough to salivate over; Le Fil raises the stakes from Camille's incredibly beautiful debut, Le Sac des Filles, making a major statement that places Dalmais up alongside such statuesque figures as Kahimi Karie, Haco, and — of course! — Björk. And, well, a chorus'll carol that Björk did beat Camille to this punch, her 2004 outing Medúlla striking a year in advance of Camille's gear (which was issued in France in the ought-five, but has just gotten its rest-of-the-world love). But, as time marches on, the specifics of calendars will matter little, and people will turn to the respective puddings for proof. Medúlla is a fascinating failed experiment on a grand scale that pales when placed next to its predecessor, Björk's magnum opus Vespertine. But, with Le Fil, Camille comes up trumps, essentially out-Björking Björk; her voice-centric work working as both an outing of radical avant-gardism, and as melodic commercial-pop record. Its white-skinned wild-eyed funk, its gorgeous chanson, its obsessive miniatures, and its balletic ballads combe to make for an album that makes a mockery of its radically reduced palette, and makes a great case for being considered one of the very best records of the third millennium.

by Anthony Carew

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