Saturday, February 8, 2025 
--archival-captured-cinematronic-continuity error-daily report-datastream-depth of field--
--drama-44.1 khz-gramophone-inquisitive-needle drops-picture book-twinklepop--
Neumu = Art + Music + Words
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Technical Requirements

Neumu is best-viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.x. You can download a free copy of this browser for Macintosh or Windows.

Viewing the Twinklepop section requires Macromedia's (free) Flash 5 plug-in and preferably a high bandwidth internet connection.

We recommend Apple's free iTunes mp3 player for listening to Gramophone.

This website is still in development and we would appreciate your feedback, both technical and otherwise...

Site Development

The archiving of all content currently residing at InsiderOne is underway. Head to InsiderOne to peruse the many writings of Neumu's Michael Goldberg, or view the Neumu 44.1kHz archival section to read from over 150 album reviews...


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