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44.1kHz = music reviews

edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

+ Donato Wharton - Body Isolations
+ Svalastog - Woodwork
+ Tim Hecker - Harmony In Ultraviolet
+ Rosy Parlane - Jessamine
+ Jarvis Cocker - The Jarvis Cocker Record
+ Múm - Peel Session
+ Deloris - Ten Lives
+ Minimum Chips - Lady Grey
+ Badly Drawn Boy - Born In The U.K.
+ The Hold Steady - Boys And Girls Together
+ The Blood Brothers - Young Machetes
+ The Places - Songs For Creeps
+ Camille - Le Fil
+ Wolf Eyes - Human Animal
+ Christina Carter - Electrice
+ The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
+ Junior Boys - So This Is Goodbye
+ Various Artists - Musics In The Margin
+ Rafael Toral - Space
+ Bob Dylan - Modern Times
+ Excepter - Alternation
+ Chris Thile - How To Grow A Woman From The Ground
+ Brad Mehldau - Live in Japan
+ M Ward - Post-War
+ Various Artists - Touch 25
+ The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely
+ The White Birch - Come Up For Air
+ Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out of This Country
+ Coachwhips - Double Death
+ Various Artists - Tibetan And Bhutanese Instrumental And Folk Music, Volume 2
+ Giuseppe Ielasi - Giuseppe Ielasi
+ Cex - Actual Fucking
+ Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
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+ The 1900s - Plume Delivery EP
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+ Function - The Secret Miracle Fountain
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+ Deadboy And The Elephantmen - We Are Night Sky
+ Glissandro 70 - Glissandro 70
+ Calexico - Garden Ruin (Review #2)
+ Calexico - Garden Ruin (Review #1)
+ The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics
+ The Glass Family - Sleep Inside This Wheel
+ Various Artists - Songs For Sixty Five Roses
+ The Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea
+ Motorpsycho - Black Hole/Blank Canvas
+ The Red Krayola - Introduction
+ Metal Hearts - Socialize
+ American Princes - Less And Less
+ Sondre Lerche And The Faces Down Quartet - Duper Sessions
+ Supersilent - 7
+ Band Of Horses - Everything All The Time
+ Dudley Perkins - Expressions
+ Growing - Color Wheel
+ Red Carpet - The Noise Of Red Carpet
+ The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
+ Espers - II
+ Wilderness - Vessel States

44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival
Various Artists
Musics In The Margin
Sub Rosa

The ever-productive Sub Rosa brings this compilation from artists who stray into the margins. There isn't a moment of hesitancy in these songs, which seem almost entirely unfettered and, despite their crooked smile and stained teeth, without a trace of shame.

A chaffed expression gleams off of the two selections from one of the album's better-known artists, Daniel Johnston. There's still a certain pervasive seriousness in the sensitive sculpting of spooling toy keyboards, warped loops and beatbox rhythms, maintaining a faint melody and rhythm through subliminal drones, strangled tunings, and abrupt tempo shifts. It would be a mistake to brand these tracks as amateur forays into the bizarre.

On Dagboek's track, penetrating keyboard flourishes and synthesized, spectral choral embellishments soar through holocaustic drum slams and screeching, mirthful noise. Martha Grunenwaldt's lazier, bluesier contributions playfully prod a few tonal clichés along the way. Jacques Brodier, a French innovator known for collecting radio waves, delivers one of the more accomplished and alluring pieces — a long, invariant drone speckled by the controlled crackle of static and a series of smeared, warm tones that unfurl like magma.

If you knew nothing of their backgrounds, some pieces would indeed come across as fairly dustbin — that is to say, as a smattering of electronic squiggles thumb-wrestling with roguish kick-drums and overeager hi-hats. The notes lodged inside the lovely three-card digipack booklet compel a closer listen. The slightly mournful a capella "Zweden," for instance, is by Marcella Dumarey, a psychiatric patient who, for most of her years, wrote songs for Jesus and Mary.

As the album title suggests, most of the tracks featured on this compilation come from people diagnosed with some psychiatric problem. But this album is about neither charity nor spectacle. To the contrary, it reveals a rich, heady mix of styles and sentiments, waiting more or less patiently for attention.

by Max Schaefer

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