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44.1 kHz Archive

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Glissandro 70
Glissandro 70

Although Glissandro 70, the debut CD from the duo of the same name, is a short jaunt, it is harmonically daring, roguish in execution, and relentlessly rhythmic. Much in the vein of the album artwork, pieces follow a cut-and-paste aesthetic, gingerly lacing blaring horn stabs and clammy sub-bass pulses with chugging guitar and straight-up dance beats.

The album was cobbled together over a two-year period by Toronto musician Sandro Perri — who also creates music under the moniker Polmo Polpo — and Craig Dunsmuir. In particular, the intricate post-production work on numerous compositions is most impressive. The pensive arpeggio of "End West" builds with a certain reckless abandon for the first three minutes, and is then strafed to warped vocal samples and effulgent electronic textures. Other works, such as "Bolan Muppets" and "Analogue Shantytown," are of a similarly nonsensical seesaw spirit, rocking, bobbing and jingling their way through prickly melodic abstractions, gongs, singing bowls, and gently ebbing drones.

While its material is certainly varied, one might nevertheless take issue with Glissandro 70 for often drawing on rather tired forms; while the post-production techniques do indeed layer and reorganize the skewed tangents of this duo's sound into a fairly compelling, detailed web, most of that sound consists of well-worn elements, which limits the benefits of any subsequent mixing. The elated accelerations and oddball percussion spatters in many pieces harken back to any number of psychedelic records, and while these songs are well arranged, they never feel distinct, urgent or altogether personal. Over the course of some 36 minutes, the scratchy guitars, slurred electronics and eddying waves of kick drums produce a wealth of elastic, sonorous shapes, all of which are at times quite trancelike, but also a trifle kitschy.

by Max Schaefer

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