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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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+ The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
+ Espers - II
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44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival
Library Tapes
alone in the bright lights of a shattered life

This Swedish duo do not afford much of an opportunity to gradually uncover the undercurrents of their music, for they confess them, as it were, before the album even gets underway. At first blush, there are the achromatic photographs that adorn the albums cover — shreds of ebony cloud brew above craggy electrical transformers and power lines coated with grit and gutter grime. Song titles such as "the leaves have left us" and "the scratches on the window in the doors of each cell" reveal an affinity for sullen, desolate themes, and, upon further inspection, the participants, who fiddle with everything from piano to electric guitar and a barrage of field recordings, are identified by first name only. At this point the assumption seems safe, if not warranted: these lads have been deeply marked by the musings of Godspeed! You Black Emperor and the other flighty birds perched in their family tree.

To stop there, however, would be to do this music something of a disservice. This album, though it leans heavily upon minor-key harmonics, laggard tempos, and overtly woeful releases of tension, harbors some plaintive, stately piano melodies, and exhibits careful attention to background details — from the cluck and scruff of feet smacking against pavement, to the placement of contact microphones at different places in the room to pick up the bristling of a humidifier or the rustling of leaves — which create a tight, self-contained environment, thereby enveloping the listener in their dour disposition.

There is, for instance, something palpably unstable about the slightly out-of-tune piano lines that drunkenly stumble through "broken piano pt. 2." When the frantic screeching of a screwdriver begins flitting about as though of its own accord, images of lunatic asylums or dingy bars are conjured up with some detail. "...in a safe place...somewhere near your heart..." opens with someone plucking a few notes from a piano; a guitar soaked in reverb soon begins marching in step. The piece is somber and lonely, so much so that one feels one's buttons being pushed, but all this is nearly eclipsed when a rather violent squall of feedback charges authoritatively to the fore. The title track is also noteworthy for its patient build, as a squall of guitar feedback gradually overtakes a resigned piano motif, and slowly bleeds the listener's resistance dry.

by Max Schaefer

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