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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Town And Country
Up Above
Thrill Jockey

If it's all-important to wield the shtick, Town and Country are definitely bearing arms. The Chicago-chops crew have a devotion to playing only the acoustic instruments; and, given that they're the typical studio-dorks-of-the-new-age (i.e.: like, totes obsessed with playing a million different trinkets on any recording), it's hardly the surprise that the rockband have frolicked further and further into the unending Elysian fields of exotic instrumentage, the grass being always greener in the lands where the cats play karkabas, guimbri, kalimba, and shakuhachi. Of course, cheap-and-nasty new-age-flotation-tank discs often abuse the exotic in their Muzak, so just wearing those things, listed, on the sleeve of your handsome record jacket ain't enough to have listeners banging the gong. And even the hippest humanoids can seem Max Fischeresque in their dilettantish dabbling when teasing and testing so many frontiers; and, at times, across the course of the six-disc/four-album litany, the T&C jamboree have seemed a little like a bunch of music dorks trying things on to see what fits. It was only on their last longplayer, 5, that the crew tried to put their money where their instrument-store receipts were, claiming to have wholeheartedly embraced Japanese Gagaku court music as they diddled and fiddled and finger-cymbaled their way through stately suites of faux-avant-gardism played with all the deft reverence of a chamber quartet.

Up Above follows on from such, avoiding electricity as Town and Country rattle up all sorts of drones, with harmonium, accordion, organ and the human throat wailing away whilst the crew clatter out arrhythmic rhythmia on a menagerie of tuned percussion. Ben Vida's guitar, once the staple of this outfit, has been seemingly consigned to only its Bird Show life, the set setting its controls for the heart of sun blazing with flaming let's-go-ethno-musickry!, a burning ring of faux-fire-music(k) in which an acoustic guitar is too totally like Western and bourgeois and shit. Up Above Is, in such, a gentle enough jam to work/non-work in an incidentalist sense; but compare it to folk that do this sort of gear with a fearsome seriousness — like, most obviously, the Vibracathedral Orchestra — and T&C come up as pale as a Midwestern mid-winter tan.

by Anthony Carew

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