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44.1 kHz Archive

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Thinking Of You...
Thrill Jockey

Country music may be the chosen soundtrack for the Bible-Belt-wearing American Religious Right, but Chicago's Freakwater have long existed at the opposite end of the theological musical spectrum, as befits a drinkin'-n'-cryin' combo, helmed by the sweet/sour vocals of co-authors Janet Beveridge Bean and Catherine Irwin, who've always had a fiercely independent, essentially punk-rock spirit to their lonesome-and-blue bluegrass. It's especially fitting given that they've shown themselves to be open acolytes of Woody Guthrie, whose best-known song ("This Land Is Your Land") was, on the books of the Bonneville Power Administration, both a tribute to hydroelectric power and a critical retort to Irving Berlin's hideous anthem "God Bless America." So far, Irwin's most glorious lyrical tribute to atheism's own brand of believing came with "Gone to Stay," from the fourth Freakwater record Old Paint, where she and Beveridge, in heavenly harmony, sing "There's nothing so pure as the kindness of an atheist/ A simple lack of unselfishness/ That never asks to be repaid." But, by Thinking of You…, Freakwater's seventh time around, Irwin's less sweet in her sentiments, croaking first, in "Loserville," "Why don't you fall down on your knees and pray?" as the most savage putdown; then, amidst rousing closing-number "Hi Ho Silver," she sardonically demands, "Tell me why your God is so divine." Given that that song's metaphors are about blood shed in vain, two wrongs not making a right, and a gung-ho notion of solving problems via violence, you can probably take it as being Irwin's anthem for the State of her Nation, the song even closing with a rousing horn section — courtesy of members of Califone, who do the fleshing-out and rolling-tape here — that comes on like a cavalry riding over the range. It's a grandstanding conclusion to a record that, in many senses, fails to match the thrills of previous Freakwater recordings. Coming six years, and two separate solo albums, after 1999's not-so-prophetic-now End Time, it reintroduces the outfit anew, born again musically more sedate, yet lyrically more searing.

by Anthony Carew

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