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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Richard Hawley
Coles Corner

Now, with Mute bucks tucked beneath his belt, Richard Hawley's hawking his shtick to the masses, masses who may or may not actually be all a-clamor for the former Pulp/Longpigs guitarist's old-timey songwritten sentimentalism. After two albums cut in independence, Hawley's made mighty good use of his newly-afforded monies, finally getting the tone and the sessions and the strings on these recordings to gleam as they do in his dreams. Whilst some men dream of fortune, and some men dream of fame, Hawley seems to dream solely of being some new-millennial Roy Orbison; his Big O overtures to Audience seem like some unending serenade to an imagined — or, indeed, dreamt — Mystery Girl, their languorous pace, orchestral richness and deeply-voiced croonery all essentially pieced-together platitudes proffered to lure this idealist Listener/ship into a musical boudoir of cologne-drenched velour curtains, vibrating beds, and a palette of bloodied reds. Hawley seduces not by merely selling himself, or his music, but by peddling the evergreen currency of Nostalgia, making himself a man who makes music that harks up a distinctly different era. And, via this romanticism, he hopes we hear his songs as echoes of a more romantic time. There's plenty of charm in such, with Hawley's arrangements having that feel of some authentic, hand-crafted antique; he shows the jones for tonalism, here, that he did on that right-royal-good A Girl Called Eddy gear early in this year. What's to be debated, with such, is whether this ruse — making things faux-old-fashioned, like some newly-made piece in an "antique" style — is as romantic as its innate romanticism would suggest. Hawley calls his craft — and, whilst we're talking bill-playing skills, "Born Under a Bad Sign," with its woven Spanish guitar, glockenspiel, and guitar leads, is one beautiful toilet-roll ballerina — a way of arresting the rapid-fire times that herald the modern world's inexorable descent. As is par for such a sentimental sentiment, this is a pitch for the forgotten virtue of patience, and Hawley plays his trump-card, in communicating such, by posing on the front cover, out front of Sheffield's favorite rendezvousin' point, Coles Corner. Here, our hero's patiently waiting with a bouquet of flowers in hand (as opposed to, y'know, clutching his mobile, calling his potential paramour every two minutes to see how much longer they'll be). Which is romance that speaks to me, loudly, clearly.

by Anthony Carew

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