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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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+ Growing - Color Wheel
+ Red Carpet - The Noise Of Red Carpet
+ The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
+ Espers - II
+ Wilderness - Vessel States

44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival
Boards Of Canada
The Campfire Headphase

Boards of Canada's unstable tones, turquoise keyboards and digitally mildewed synthesizers have always sought a reunion with the florid perception of childhood. Behind bloated breakbeats, exotic percussion and plumes of scudding synth washes, distant melodies and multicolored harmonies encouraged a closer engagement, asked one to lean over the edge, to let oneself fall into their wrinkled, twisted textures and become engulfed in the inane babble of the children who beckoned from below.

On The Campfire Headphase, the Scottish pair's first full-length in three years, the directives remain much the same, but their pieces are now peopled by more organic instruments. Compositions such as "Satellite Anthem Icarus," "Sherbet Head" and "Hey Saturday Sun" are flecked by the rippling chords of a guitar, but one that is by no means conventionally displayed. Much as they approach their other sound sources, Mike Sandison and Marcus Eoin sample the guitar, let it soak in reverb, wring it through multiple delay pedals, and finally hang it out on a line where it is slashed and pulled every which way by keyboard swirls and tropical bleeps. On "Chromakey Dreamcoat," this experiment works especially well, as splintered guitar harmonics and bleary synthesizer splutter gingerly wheedle listeners into raising their heads to the gyrating fury of rapidly uncontrollable twirling horizons. The spell is broken, however, by pieces like "Tears From the Compound" and "Oscar See Through Red Eye," which get lost in the marshes of their own hypnotic rhythms, sugar-sweet synths and lo-fi, breathy drones.

The notion of descent takes on new meanings as the bulbous beats that acted as pillars for the sprightly moods of earlier pieces begin to crumble, and works such as "Constants Are Changing" are essentially acts of implosion where fluttering flutes, knotty constellations of electronics and icy Scandinavian tinkling bells break down into a dreary, chalky powder. On the whole, then, The Campfire Headphase presents an altogether more subdued, gentle, worryingly melancholy tale of dreams that are perhaps becoming nightmares — visions that wake you up at night, and keep you forging ahead come day.

by Max Schaefer

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