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44.1 kHz Archive

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Acid House Kings
Sing Along With

Amidst the devoted flock of Saint Etienne/Sarah Records disciples who keep the twee faith burning in Sweden, Johan Angergård has a special place at the head of the table. As founding member of jangle-pop combo Poprace, autumnal boy/girl love-in Club 8, and faux-garage-rock big-band The Legends, Angergård has been almost a prince among the men who wear anoraks, and an important part of his lineage has been Acid House Kings. Whilst they've often toiled in much more obscurity than some of their "related" bands, AHK have been the constant in Angergård's discography; now charting 15 years and five albums of jangly, bubblegummy, whispery-quiet pop goodness. Helmed by Johan and his brother, Nikas — the guy behind Red Sleeping Beauty, a band who easily could've copped the stupid-large success that eventually met their homies The Cardigans — the crew've made real good on that twee promise of delivering sunshine-and-harmony-and-major-chords, but with a certain delicacy and restraint, never letting the incessant melody, and the relentlessly "up" nature of the chosen chords, distract from the fact that their music is about shy people thinking introspective things, about lovelorn boys and girls in small-town bedrooms, dreaming of future days in which sadness will have dissipated amidst big-city glamour. In such, Sing Along With Acid House Kings is not just another sunny day in the life of the Angergårds, but, pleasingly, essentially the culmination of the brothers' longtime/lifetime work. Their fifth longplayer seems, finally, to be the one that'll elevate AHK into much-adored status, ascending into so-indie royalty on the backs of unbelievably tight pop-song penmanship. Shit like "Do What You Wanna Do," "I Write Summer Songs for No Reason" and "Sleeping" are like studies in matching melody and harmony for three inoffensive, instantly memorable minutes.

by Anthony Carew

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