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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Black Holes In The Sand

Of all the black sheep the reasonable people of Warp have shepherded into their flock since deciding they had higher ambitions than merely fleecing IDM followers of their cash, the most curious has been Gravenhurst, the one-man band for Bristol-based boy Nick Talbot, a sentimental, slightly sappy songsmith whose Warp debut (a reissue of his second record, Flashlight Seasons) wove a wussy blanket for the melancholy to huddle under. Things take a more curious turn on Black Holes in the Sand, the first Gravenhurst recording recorded for the Warp empire — and not just because Talbot does a yearning, stark-naked cover of Hüsker Dü's "Diane" (once memorably mutilated by Therapy?, I note). Here, on an album that'll get called a "mini-album," Talbot aligns himself with the whole outsider-folk crowd, beginning proceedings with the seven-minute title track, a bundle of brittle rustic-folk twigs tied together in a pretty bow. There's an almost pop-like smoothness on the tune, which ties Talbot's soft singing and gentle fingerpicking to incessant stabs of omnichord, banged percussion, and drone guitar — such added by Jeffrey Alexander and Miriam Goldberg of Charalambides-associated, post-Iditarod, droney freak-folk duo Black Forest/Black Sea. Building a bridge to such a (the folk) scene marks quite the change for Gravenhurst, given that his previous discs made Talbot seem like a bashful boy-as-island, making his rainy-day acousticky tunes with no connection to any greater musical community (be it contemporary or historical). Here, he not only plays with some other kids, but dares get his hands dirty; the thick tape-hiss and vocal-decay of "Winter Moon" is a deliberate excursion into the aesthetically rudimentary; the subsequent rawness lets Talbot get a little more shaggy and daggy than he did the first time around. That the-first-time, it seemed like Warp led Gravenhurst like a lamb to the slaughter; knowing they'd be lambasted for such an obvious attempt at joining the "new folk" flock, yet forging ahead nonetheless. Here, looking a little rougher round the edges, their prized signing suddenly seems more of-the-land than on-the-lam.

by Anthony Carew

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