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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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+ Calexico - Garden Ruin (Review #1)
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+ Sondre Lerche And The Faces Down Quartet - Duper Sessions
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+ Band Of Horses - Everything All The Time
+ Dudley Perkins - Expressions
+ Growing - Color Wheel
+ Red Carpet - The Noise Of Red Carpet
+ The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
+ Espers - II
+ Wilderness - Vessel States

44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival
Braun (And The Mob)
As The Veneer Of Dumbness Starts To Fade

Back when Prefuse was still Reichin‚ doing tasteful tuned percussionism as Delarosa & Asora — he being D&A when post-rock was DOA, corpse defiled by the bashful boys gazin' at their kicks and too scared to sing a lick — Oliver Braun was painting the town a wicked shade of brown. His Beige broke off a (not-so-)seriously-funky sound that took the thunk-and-lurch of hip-hop über-producers and took to it with scissors, cut-cut-cutting bass and beats into spastic dance-anthems that few DJs'd ever play, all that twitching making them itch. Those who don't break out in spots when exposed to irregular rhythms and truncated tones'll find Braun's gear like one big spastickated party; and three years after the brightly-coloured Beige barney Ein Königreich Für Eine Handgranate, he returns with his third big shindig, debuting as Braun on a smartly-titled set punctuated by a jumped-up cut where a sassy soul-diva exhorts that "nothing has changed!" Change is a constant in nomenclature only, as Braun butters up a cut-up jam — actually called "Explosions in B.E.I.G.E. (Nothing Has Changed...)" — that seems keen to keep things the same. Such jive jammery, as is the Beige way, is sliced and diced into a tossed salad tossed with autoerotic fervor, the resulting strokings so staggeringly staggered that they can make you feel drunk just listening to it. Any attempts to dance with limbs other than your hands leave one with guilty feet and a feeling of arrhythmia. Stitching varying vocalists to his jabbing and stabbing take on micro-edited funk, Braun proves himself the exuberant studio monkey, "Da Flash an da F***! (Dort Oben Leuchten Die Sterne)" tossing a saucy Spanish vocal singing of "el funk" into a stop-stop-stop start-it-all-over-again party mix whose mixed bag lolls through the deflating whimpers of a flaccid balloon, a solemn Sideshow Mel slide-whistle, and blaring horns hocked from a more celebratory record. Such brassiness comes back with "Hihi! (...Genau Das Machts Ja So Bitter)," but this time he has Dennis Kessler breathing into an actual trumpet, riffing on a riff that's completely out of meter with the shards of fragmented rhythm that Braun shatters underneath — a jazz-like moment on a record that drops/namedrops the funk/"the funk" as much as any Parliament jam.

by Anthony Carew

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