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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival
Masaki Batoh
Collected Works 95-96
Drag City

In the mid-'90s, back when Ghost — his grand band of spectral space cadets and psychedelic hippies — were in the midst of a prolific period, Masaki Batoh went solo. Initially undertaking his lonesome recordings as a way of working out new Ghost material, the free spirit found himself unable to resist the freedoms of compositional and artistic independence, in which he could explore the reaches of his musical spirit in less precious detail. Ghost, like so many Japanese bands, are renowned for their contemplative, deliberate approach to recording, where the elements of songs and mixes and the album as whole are discussed, in depth, over the (ongoing) process. It's no surprise, then, that Batoh's solo forays — two vinyl-only longplayers, 1995's A Ghost From the Darkened Sea and 1996's Kikaokubeshi, recorded in Ghost's Lama Rabi Rabi era, when they, as band, were at the peak of their communal powers — found him exploring ideas and ideals that didn't fit his rock band's considered whole; these outings, thus, were the outlet where Batoh felt he could function in a more "free" fashion. With both albums now compiled onto compact disc all these years down the line, the clarity of hindsight makes it easy to identify three basic Batoh "modes" herein: off-the-cuff covers (a kooky take on Can's "You Doo Right", a flowery spin through the circumvolutions of Cream's "World of Pain"), gentle instrumentalism (including marimba playing that foreshadowed the tuned-percussion workouts surfacing later on Snuffbox Immanence), and many a freaked-out drone. Given Batoh's unwashed aesthetic, it's no surprise that his drones have more in common with tribal incantation than modernist minimalism; he uses the foot-pumped harmonium and the hand-wound hurdy-gurdy to wind up droning tones that he dresses in wordless throat-singing and deadzone voodoo drumming, his only concession to the modern age, in such, being the use of a Moog at various points. Though his man-as-island making of these records means the innate qualities of this pseudo-tribal music are isolationist, as opposed to music growing from the communal power of the gathered tribe, there is still a beautiful sense of earthy, earthly expression herein. Which is no surprise, given that Ghost have long been considered the band that gives hippies a good name.

by Anthony Carew

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