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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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No Doctors
ERP Saints EP
No Sides

My first exposure to No Doctors left me undecided as to quite where their true talents might lie. There was some interesting stuff going on — an energetic combination of twisted guitar angles, tense rhythms and rapid-fire delivery — but it sounded suffocated, buried beneath a haphazard, sloppy production which sounded at best amateur, at worst barely traceable. Happily the ERP Saints EP — named after Chicago's East Rogers Park neighborhood where the band have recently been based — is an unexpected pleasure. Sounding clear and cleaned-up, they don't so much deliver on the faint promises heard earlier, but instead step aside from the discarded remnants of their previous sound and come up with a fresh approach.

Strictly speaking they're not innovators — you can trace the lineage of this music fairly easily — but within their frame of reference they push things to the limit and end up with something both compelling and uncompromising. Following a rough No Wave/Post Punk blueprint, the No Doctors sound is like The Strokes with unchecked avant-garde leanings, drilling into a well-mined seam of rock culture but making no concessions to mass consumption.

"Biggest" opens things with a jagged slice of atonal white funk, building up to a series of trebly peaks and enlivened by some honking saxophone fills. Beneath its chaotic surface it swings with a skewed, individual sense of logic. "Floating Woman" is a swaying blues ballad in a similar vein to Iggy Pop's "Turn Blue," with vocalist Chauncey Chaumpers giving it his best Tom Verlaine croon, just stopping short of becoming a pastiche. Some eccentric tempo shifts and frayed guitar and sax trade-offs round it off nicely.

The final track, "Future Awaken Widen," gives the band ample scope to explore with an irresistible, shambolic momentum, which carries the jagged scree of freestyle interplay in its wake and even manages to include a kind of compressed tribute to "Marquee Moon" with its series of climactic crescendos. In short, ERP Saints is a wayward, fascinating mini-masterpiece. Bring on the next album proper.

by Tom Ridge

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