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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Nothing's Lost
Morr Music

Arne Van Petegem — the one-and-only oh-so-lonely man-as-island dwelling as Styrofoam (amidst a sea of sadness) — recently cement-ponded his status as the most melancholy oyster-boy in Morr's collection of sensitive new-(digital-)age geeks, on the Morr Music Japan Tour disc of the ought-four, the merch (and the touring) being a co-billed tweelectro love-in with Styrofoam, the Go Find, and ISAN. In such chummy company, the Belgian boffin showed up his pals by showing how his emo heart bleeds bloodied blues, fronting for a couple of skittery-beat remakes of cuts cut by his indie-rock heroes, knocking out a knock-up of Lou Barlow's "Think (Let Tomorrow Be)," and, then, doing an unerring Elliott Smith impersonation on a heart-stabbingly-good heartbreaker breakdown of the white-suit-wearer's heartbroken ode "Between the Bars." Such sad-song(s)-saying-so-much singing being par for the Styrofoam course, the Brussels sprout charting his voyage deep into his sea of sadness, exploring the unexplored waters of emotional electro-engineering. With his last longplayer, I'm What's There to Show That Something's Missing, someone (uh, like, me, probably) vaunted Van Petegem as the most sentimental electro-dork this side of Dntel/Postal Service honcho Jimmy Tamborello, and, well, just to draw such a comparable comparison closer to the spotlit light, here, on his latest Styrofoam action, he ropes in one Ben Gibbard for guest vocal duties, said vocalist — once himself just a guest on that Dntel disc — now known far and wide by teenaged girls down with the sounds of the iconic and acronymic "OC." Whilst the most notable thing about th'foam has always been Van Petegem's own lack of fear when it comes to singing, Nothing's Lost finds him finding help from numerous guest-vocal types, opening with a cut featuring crooning from Lali Puna heroine Valerie Trebeljahr, rapping from Anticonvict button-pusher Alias, and hot guitar licks from Notwist honcho Markus Acher, and later stopping in on a particularly sad-sack shoegazer number where Andrew Kenny, from ultra-tasteful moodstrumentalists the American Analog Set, provides the layers of Shields-ian Cupid Come coos, before breaking out in a strangely Postal-Service-ish repeat-to-fade refrain. It's strange, then, that such works much better than the Gibbard guest spot (which will, alone, garner this gear much more attention/acclaim/sales), which, whilst it has its charms, seems slightly self-conscious, only losing that air when Van Petegem dares clip the specifics of the throat-positioning singing with droney digital effects.

by Anthony Carew

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