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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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A New White.

In the late ought-two, touring in support of their Themselves opus The No Music., manic-mouth'd-MC/run-amok-egotist Doseone and ace-beatmaker/humble-bloodnut Jel roped in four other humans to help them flesh out a Themselves band.  Long gone from the days when the duo were just Them, and when they were just a hip-hop-ish outing of producer/lyricist, the Themselves band proved such a lovable lark that they quickly forged ahead into a new post-tour existence as fully-fledged entity, Subtle.  Making their debut on this Lex-issued disc, the combo finds Dose's familiar lyrical riffing and nasal pseudo-crooning buried not in the fug of four-track tape-hiss of Clouddead's first missive, but, instead, amidst a wide range of "musical" sounds; Subtle's subtle song-crafting is as much about tuned percussion, looming keytone, ever-present melodica, and aggressive beatmaking as it is about Doseone's lively lyricism. Back with that Themselves outing, this pair of Anticonvicts essentially severed their ties to underground hip-hop with a structural and conceptual finality; and, so, now that we know that they're making art, all of Subtle's particular flights of fancy, moments of whimsy, and various excursions into the dense and difficult-to-decipher are easy to consume, topped off with a grain of salt that helps the fibre go down.  A New White. is meat-and-potatoes without the meat, its mocking race-related title speaking of such starchy ideas, this a disc that is sure that it is good for you.  And, as always, Dose has lots of wonderful things to say, but, with this being a band an all, his vocals retreat even further into the milling music than they ever have before, his voice simply another "instrument" in their palette, and thus usually mixed at about the same level as the melodica.  Whilst this intention is noble — even working well on songs like "Eyewash," where the digital flickers, on opening, seem to have been inspired by Icelandic elfin-electro scribblers Múm — it also means that the album kinda suffers in comparison to recent outings by Dose (ex-?) pals like Buck 65 or Why?, who've used increasingly adventurous musical backings to make their lyrical delivery seem even more vivid.  

by Anthony Carew

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