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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Royal City
Little Heart's Ease
Rough Trade

On last year's Alone at the Microphone, the second album for the Canadian combo Royal City, the outfit staged evocations of the grand old Canadian cowboy Neil Young. This time around, they've essentially invited Crosby, Stills, and Nash along; Little Heart's Ease chases grander sounds, swelling arrangements, and rousing choruses, with "My Body Is Numbered, She Will Come," and, particularly, "Ain't That the Way" all finding the fellows in this outfit hitting nasal harmonies in support of frontman Aaron Riches, who comes up with some richer melodies and nattier tunes to match this newfound predilection for golden-country sounds and multi-part refrains. Using their newfound larger profile (thanks, Rough Trade!) for good instead of evil, here Royal City rope in plenty of piano, percussion, pedal-steel, strings, Hammond, handclaps, horns, and even some black-heart'd banjo, those three aforementioned songs all going so far as to bang-a-gong in support of the cause (no, really). As the The-Band-esque band builds up arrangements a kid could "grand" with ease, Riches, too, seems to be setting his sights higher, as songsmith, his words and choruses more forthright, this developing development meaning he's also coming out of the Christian closet a little. Whilst there are lots of lyrical uses of the word "he" in which he's likely singing "He," it's on "Jerusalem" that Riches goes for the wall, the song finding the frontman at wail with the sentiments "With the drawing of this love/ Your body and your blood will be on my tongue." As well as "He," Riches isn't above using "ye," either, the proffered press-release-offering being that Riches is trying to author songs that make him sound like an Old Testament preacher. Although a more sensible suggestion might be that he's fallen under the sway of folksong and blues form like every other Harry Smith box-set buyer these days. Aside from Riches' rich language, there's not much traditionalism on the album, it being more concerned with stumbling in melancholy fashion through murmured countryish balladry. The closest the disc comes to folk balladeering is, probably, the Willy O-ish closer, "Take Me Down to Yonder River," where the songwriter uses images like "to scatter blood on your stone" and "the flesh of hate that sticks to me" to speak, to God, of a death he knows not, and of his fears of what that circumstance may bring.

by Anthony Carew

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