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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival

Marketing dictates that Ratatat are sold to you, exuberant consumer, as rock-'n'-roll band: two guys from NYC who love the Rolling Stones, are pals with Interpol, and pose on the cover of their debut disc with guitars slung o'er their hipsters' shoulders. Of course, such salesmanship bears scant relation to the, y'know, like, music, the erected rock-'n'-roll artifice belying the artistry inside. Ratatat's tunes have much more in common with Evan Mast's solo action, homemade endeavors that find him authoring the tweelectro tunes as E*Vax; endeavors which, last time I checked, were hardly being bankrolled by the checkbook A&R brothaz at XL. In all his Casiotonic cutesiness, as E*vax Evan has yet to even hit the big leagues of "indietronica," his closest crack coming with an appearance on a Morr Music compile. Whilst the rock-'n'-roll curtain has been pulled across to convince the denizens of pop-culture-at-large that Ratatat are in charge of elecktro's Emerald City, the debut Ratatat disc is still back in bed in E*Vax's Kansas, still farming the same artistic shtick Mast's tilled to little acclaim thus far. Here, he hooks up with guitarist Mike "Snake" Stroud, a six-stringer whose musical dayjob is playing with fully-fringed indie-pop songsmith Ben Kweller; and together they head down a yellow brick road paved in Lego, playing plastique melodies on the plastic ivories of analog keyboards whilst their programmed beats keep cute rhythms, the pair playfully playing with the "robotic" notions of dated electronics as their set lurches with mechanized motion. The rhythms are simple, and rarely are the songs ostentatious or flamboyant, despite the fact that they intermittently deliver samples (with some sort of cheap irony) of some slang-wrangling hip-hopper who's happy to parrot the obligatory clichés of the genre, and despite the fact that they're supposedly strutting with "rock-'n'-roll swagger." Like early arcade-game programmers, Ratatat are working with a greatly reduced palette, and the synth reductionism means they're never going to escape cute. Even the guitars they mug with on the disc's cover, which could possibly a tonal wild-card, are reined in, brought into their greatly reduced palette by being heavily treated, their distorted riffs cleaned up and cut up, brought back into the mix as mere movable parts to keep this robo-pop ride rolling along with synthetic-sounding smoothness.

by Anthony Carew

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