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44.1 kHz Archive

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The New Human Is Illegal
Morr Music

Sole and anyone outside the outsider-hip-hop clubhouse'd probably seem strange bedfellows, but a beautiful congress between the fuzziest bear in wigged-out rap and dream-pop-dreamin' tweelectro Germans Morr Music is hardly a predictable marriage. Of course, like all pairs of lovers, whether others understand the essence of their cultivated enclave really matters little, with their combined weight invariably rated by the fruits of their union. And, whilst we'd hate to go all media-cliché and set this up as some battle (as, you've gotta keep it in the battle, right?), I'm taking this electro-Sole over the fruity prog-hop currently cramming cones in the wake of that Anticon aura any day. Under the nom-de-guerre Man'sbestfriend, Sole's out to divorce this fired missive from his hip-hopper's past, hoping — like so many of his homies — to now be known for making "music" rather than rapping. And whilst the elecktro-zaps and twee keys and dissonant digital tone of The New Human Is Illegal show Sole's clean pair of artistic heels, as much as he runs from his battlin' past he'll never overcome it, kicking at the kick-me signs stuck to his back as he battles back with verbal viciousness aimed squarely at targeted targets. Meaning, as much as he rails against captains-of-industry and the Americkn government and the monoculture of cancerous celebrity, all these politickal broadsides are less about the world than about his world. Sole's still hip-hop enough to stick it to a sole party, "Little Bawk Anthem"'s opening takeover going from the personally specific — "I gave you your first dictionary/ I showed you Orson Welles/ When Trackmasters were dissing you/ I said 'give that kid a chance'/ And this is how you repay my kindness?/ You fucking communist!" — to how that personal reflects large when refracted through the prism of the-globe-at-large; hip-hop's small world spins out in concentric circles as Sole turns lyrical tricks like "Edgar Allan Poe told me/ There's no b-boys left on MTV/ Let's hold a benefit battle/ And give the money to Palestinian refugees/ There's a war going on 7,000 miles from where you're holding your nuts." Y'know, so, like: The more men change, the more they got the same old rage.

by Anthony Carew

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