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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Shannon Wright
Over The Sun

In her early days Shannon Wright was a drifter, restlessly wandering from place to place, her musical place in such peripatetic livin'-life being the-girl-with-the-acoustic-guitar, brusquely busking through numbers that courted prettiness but weren't anywhere near diffident enough to pull it off. As she once drifted, so too did it take a while for Wright to find and define her own artistry, to uncover and discover the musical tone that was innate to her and her voice, before, then, fashioning such aesthetic qualities into something whose musical quality matched that. By her third album, Dyed in the Wool, it seemed like Wright had finally found upon such sound. On that record, her lusty strum-and-wail was converted to something much more vital, almost punk-rock in its approach, with Wright belting out electrified tunes with brevity and volume. Her newly-issued fourth album, Over the Sun, finds Wright working with a similar intensity and spirit, only, this time, drawing such an approach out over longer, stronger, more emotionally-wrought tunes; the songs herein seem grand in their scope, even though they're usually only guitars/drums. Using wholly electric tone, Wright plays aggressive, percussive guitar parts that're multitracked on top of each other, the songsmith fashioning pseudo-basslines from staccato single notes she picks with a viciousness. With Victory at Sea/Mary Timony drummer Christina Files belting belligerently on the drums, Wright drags out her songs into angst-ridden epics, digging into something deeper and darker, her vicious vocals and sharpened guitars marching deep into this darkness, Wright full of belligerent bile as she stalks her demons down a shadowy path. As we undertake this slow descent into hellish fury, you get the feeling that the demons she chases are those of a woman scorned, the album culminating in a couple of cuts where — amongst morbid guitars casting angular, distorted shadows — Wright's weeping and wailing is letting loose lyrical haranguing. In "If Only We Could," as she evokes desolate environs that we're to take to be a social scene, Wright dramatically depicts the to-and-fro ambivalence of a feuding lover, spitting such choice salvos as "You better watch what you say/ You might just find your words have no worth/ You sit in your miserable lie/ Better stay with yours and I'll stay with mine" at the same time as the refrain sees that things could be better "If only we could just leave from this place," only for the despondent coda to mourn "Such a mistake/ To spend time on you." In "Plea," the jagged guitars seem even more vicious, and Wright's sharpened lyrics themselves take on a more pointed quality, the songsmith closing the song on song, singing: "Your love is a forgery/ A mockingbird to mimic through me/ And these eyes they will not recover/ Your eyes they have turned to black/ Turned to black/ Turned to black/ Turned to black."

by Anthony Carew

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