Oh, wow! Looking at the back of The Unsustainable
Lifestyle just now, I suddenly realized the bad pun
contained in the name of Dischord... I have no idea how
I never caught that one before... Dischord!
Anywho, Beauty Pill are led by former Smart Went Crazy
singer Chad Clark, and if you don't already own Smart
Went Crazy's 1997 masterpiece Con Art, then stop
reading this review right now and go buy it. Oh, and
while you're at the store, go ahead and pick up The
Unsustainable Lifestyle as well. Seriously, go
now this review will be waiting for you when you get
back from the store. Fuck it, don't even read this
review when you get home from the store. I was only
gonna say that this album is amazing, but if you've
already done as you've been told to do and have bought
the album like I said you should, then you can listen
to it and find out for yourself how amazing it is. 'Cos,
yeah, it's amazing.