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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Young People
War Prayers
Dim Mak

You could call it the persistence of silence. Few records have hung around on my stereo, of recent, for as long as Young People's second longplayer (which, at 24 minutes, ain't exactly lengthy), and perhaps this is because the Los Angelean-cum-Brooklynite trio know that silence is a rhythm, too, and, thus they cast it as the lead instrument on War Prayers. Well, like, almost. It's Katie Eastburn's singing that is placed out front of the band, and it's Katie Eastburn's singing that defines the band; she, in many respects, being the essence and existence of the band, itself, as entity. But, behind her, there are gaping holes of nothingness, and it's in this space that Young People's aesthetic is born; the desolate stretches of silence providing fertile grounds in which their strangely charming music grows. The band're basically making some sort of noisy rock-club take on postmodernist folk music, but they're certainly not folkies; their songs raze the wooded wonder and idyllic meadows of folk songs, tearing away all extraneous instrumentage and counterproductive counter-melodies, rendering their new-millennial landscapes in the most barren palettes: all traffic smog, fluorescent light buzz, and the lurch and grind of mechanized machinery. In rendering people's song in such grim depiction, Young People speak less of history, and more of this moment in time. Even this record's title takes its historical meaning — inspiration sourced from Civil War ballads — and gives it immediate topicality, these prayers now delivered as laments for the sanctioned belligerence currently reigning in the home of the brave. To the accompaniment of rudimentary percussion, squalls of noisy guitar, and, on rare occasions, some combination thereof, Eastburn sings lyrics inspired by folk songs, ballads, marches, war hymns, odes of praise, blues laments, and stage-musical soliloquies. But as she draws on the elements of popular song from the past couple hundred years, the singer doesn't evoke past peoples, past song forms, or past environs; rather, she evokes the current musical interest in such forms that has crept into even the most unlikely musician's repertoires of recent. With their noise guitar, avant-gardist approach, and predilection for setting Eastburn's spotlit singing on a stark stage, Young People are never going to resemble a Shirley & Dolly Collins record. As band, they are not romantics, yearning for a simpler time before the industrial revolution changed the face of modern society and the face of modern man. Their juxtaposition of these words, in this musical setting, in this time and place, is showing how such song form can be reinterpreted and reassembled in a strictly metropolitan setting, these words prayers for those living and working in the here and now, and not for those souls long lost.

by Anthony Carew

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