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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

peruse archival
The Psychic Paramount
Live 2002 The Franco-Italian Tour
Bewilderment And Illumination

For this incarnation of the Psychic Paramount, NYC guitarist and composer Drew St. Ivany has assembled an instrumental power trio, with his musical support provided by fellow ex-Laddio Bolocko member Ben Armstrong on bass and Tatsuya Nakatani on drums. The result is as fierce an underground-rock artifact as you could wish for, with primitive recordings of the band on tour in Europe edited down to form monolithic slabs of freestyle psychedelic rock.

The introductory fragment, recorded in Lyon, combines low-level guitar rumbling with phased fluttering sounds. It's an abstract teaser for what is to come as track two, "Paris Part One," fades in with some frenzied, freeform guitar soloing, a thunderously loud rhythm section and low-end frequencies disappearing under an avalanche of fuzzy distortion. "Paris Part Two" is all cavernous reverb, with waves of distortion in the background, like trance-techno interpreted by some monstrous blues-rock band. What it lacks in hypnotic seduction it more than compensates for in bludgeoning force. The following combination of two live extracts recorded in Napoli and Perpignan is a less forceful mixture of oceanic abstraction and pulsating minimalism, only really hinting at a greater intensity towards the finish.

In a second track recorded in Perpignan the band really hits the accelerator, blasting off with some wild avant-rock that recalls The Stooges' "LA Blues" — an extended cacophony of untethered noise accompanied by bluntly hammered percussion. Then the bass and drums kick into a powerhouse rhythm, sounding like a super-distorted version of the Mahavishnu Orchestra. The music's momentum seems unstoppable, a rolling juggernaut of squally guitar and bass distortion accompanied by the maelstrom of Nakatani's drumming. There's a swift detour as the music shifts to an oscillating pulse that struggles to free itself from the background morass of fuzz before the drums come thundering back in for the finish. The final track, "Ex-Visitations," follows the fusion/blues style of its predecessor, but has less of a distorted edge, and gives plenty of space for more astonishing drumming before it shifts down a gear toward a less violent climax.

The rawness of these recordings, aided by some judicious editing, works in their favor, transforming what might otherwise be fairly unremarkable pieces of music into vertiginous demonstrations of raw power.

by Tom Ridge

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