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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Weird War
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Bite 'Em
Drag City

O, Svenonius! Scourge of rock 'n' roll phoniness! For whom The Kids'll always say Yeah!, offering such affirmative reciprocation whilst in wait for their Final Judgment, dancing all the time in time to the sounds of your Revolution. Which, with this Weird War redux, sounds less like some revolution-style-now and more like the style-of-now, Our Ian's rock 'n' roll strut and magnificent haircut the kind of artifice adopted by male models at the moment. So, the question goes, now: How do those Svenoniusian theatricks — rock band as concept, rock band in outfits, rock band indulging in ongoing call-and-response chant with audience — fare now that they're the pop-cultural norm? And how does rock 'n' roll still suit his insurgent ends now that Da Strokes have returned rockin' back to affluent white males after that disturbing time when queer-core/riot-grrrl types tried to use the rock band as vehicle for their own agendas? Riding that vehicle now seems more like riding a dead horse, and with crop in hand Svenonius is turning a U-turn, the discographical lineage for our leader now reading: NOU—>Make-Up—>Weird War—>Scene Creamers—>(<—>) Weird War, this redux a reduction, really, a back-in-time to that time where Svenonius' irrepressible spirit was actually smothered under the studio dickery and fretboard wankery of Neil Michael Hagerty. But of course, this time around there's not a Hagerty to be heard, and, free from this blanket, Svenonius' flames can fire up a go-over burning some soul into that one weak spot in his back-story, Weird War now not just some one-off indulgence, but an ever-changing ever-revolving combo divisible from Scene Creamers in name only. Like all of this post-Make-Up Svenonius/Mae output, If You Can't Beat 'Em, Bite 'Em occasionally nails an anthemic anthem ("Grand Fraud," "AK-47," its Jennifer Herrema-guesting title track), but spends most of its time indulging in analog-tonal authenticity and groovy rock 'n' roll eccentricity, seeming more self-satisfied than solemnly striving. Which is nice work if y'can author it.

by Anthony Carew

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