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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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La Maison De Mon Rêve
Touch & Go

It may've been recorded — romantically — in "a tiny apartment in the 18th district of Paris," but the delightful (if deranged) debut disc for New Yorker sisters Bianca and Sierra Casady doesn't stir up scenes of autumnal Parisienne romance. Rather, CocoRosie's idiosyncratic post-millennial folk music evokes numerous New York City ghosts, their modernist spirituals stirring the spectres of strange folkies strewn through the recent pop-cultural past, their ad-hoc patchwork of warbled voices and incidental noises a sewn séance stitching together imagist images of different constituents of the sleepless city, from Karen Dalton in a folk café circa 1961, to Kath Bloom & Loren Mazzacane Connors in some dusty loft circa 1981, to Devendra Banhart bunkered down in a darkened basement circa 2001. All evocations as romantic as Gay Paris, of course, but only in their own way, the romance here being more baroque and bizarre than straight-out beautiful. Those beholding the wonders of CocoRosie need to be blessed with the right eye, the best ears to hear them being those tuned to the staticky frequencies broadcast on the musical fringe. At times, the Casady sisters seem to be comfortably dwelling amongst the Americkn outsider-folk vanguard currently creeping around the edges of the pop-cultural consciousness — not just distinct contemporaries of (and comparatives to) Banhart, but bearing vocal similarities to the other-squeaky voiced wanderers, from the medieval munchkins of Alva to the Barrett-headed bong-huffers of the Animal Collective. There are even certain musical similarities to the Tower Recordings in the way they distil the tuneful with the dissonant.

Yet, to place CocoRosie in a readymade musical context would be to do disservice to their idiosyncrasy. For an act most notable for their utter uniqueness, they're best viewed not as part of a greater movement, but as a strange little happening all of their own, their music a missive fired from deep within the depths of their own iconoclastic artistry. On La Maison de Mon Rêve, the girls wail away like tortured maidens, whilst picked acoustic guitar picks its way through a cottony field of ghostly groans and rattled chains, as if stirring up the tortured pasts of tortured spooks. Sensitive to such, their music reinvents old-timey spirituals with a vicious revisionist twist: irony infesting an almost-hip-hop-ish chipmunk-soul number filled with proclamations like "And all I want with my life/ Is to be a housewife" and "I'd wear your black eyes/ Bake you apple pies," their Haitian love songs and Tahitian rain songs filled with anti-missionary overtones, and their Christian folksong just coming out with "Jesus loves me/ But not my wife/ Not my nigger friends/ Or their nigger lives." And, as far as coming-outs go, it's hard to recall many musical debutantes of recent seasons making such an amazing impression.

by Anthony Carew

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