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44.1 kHz Archive

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Your Blues

All fake-English-accent and theatrical sneer, Daniel Bejar's voice is a hard thing to get over; his self-described "over-the-top, totally anthemic, voice-of-a-generation David Bowie-styled delivery" is not the kind of crooning you regularly cop in that musical world some idiot named "indie-rock." Yet getting over it — Bejar's voice — is a necessary step in appreciating his increasingly impressive discographical Destroyer lineage, which keeps getting more glittering by the LP, with Your Blues the sixth such salvo in an ongoing artistic assault that's lasted eight years thus far. The voice-of-a-generationisms probably reached their peak on the glamorama action of 1999's Thief, three records into this whole Destroyer thing, it being the first time Bejar really went balls-out for broke with a full band and big-ass orchestrations and all. That's not to say that the high-wire heights of 2001's Streethawk: A Seduction didn't find him thin-white-duking his way through florid flourishes of baroque instrumentage and Bejar's beloved airplane-hangar reverb, but by then such vocal stylin' was less about implied anthemicism and more about what his singing was actually singing. Whilst you have to get over Bejar's voice — its tone, its mode of delivery, its deference and reverence to past pop-cultural times — to really be able to start seeing Destroyer's artistry for what it is, it's still Bejar's voice — its intonations, its lyrical phrasing, its vicious words — that remains at the core of Destroyer's artistry. Your Blues presents Bejar's singing in possibly the most "straight" setting it's been afforded since back in his four-trackin' salad days, the stripped-down synth symphonies seen here seeming like a rebellion against the last Destroyer disc, 2002's This Night. That album can seem like both the best and worst Destroyer disc at once, the operatic epic a mess of tangled-up guitars whose free-ranging sprawl of stadium-sized gestures almost seems an attempt to mate the glam strut of T-Rex with the outsider folk of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ditching any trace of electric guitars, Your Blues occasionally sets a song to a soft acoustic strum, but more often assembles songs solely on synths, with any intermittent beat-keeping coming from shaken hand percussion. Whilst Bejar's songs are blessed with mucho rhythm and melody, you should still be made aware that there's no real beat, no real bass, and little that sounds organic. Yet there's still something quite regal and symphonic about it all, the synthesized strings and horns and piano stirring up a romanticism that goes with Bejar's fancy-pants lyricism. And there are moments when Bejar and his current cohorts (as of this disc: David Carswell and John Collins) nail the most amazing keytone, as in the album's two standout tracks, "Notorious Lightning" and "Mad Foxes," both built from ersatz tones into tunes of erected artifice, such grandiose stature glittering with the shiniest of synthetic sound.

by Anthony Carew

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