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44.1 kHz Archive

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The Silver Mt.Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band With Choir
"This Is Our Punk-Rock," Thee Rusted Satellites Gather + Sing

Any soldier in the army of Godspeed You! Black Emperor family fandom has long known that the artists occasionally known as A Silver Mt. Zion have been, since their inception, the most inspiring light shining in the Constellation roster of post-rockist stars, this "side-project" for a slew of GY!BE humans — led by Godspeed! leader Efrim, no less — being an outing that has quickly become infinitely more indispensable than the parent band that birthed it. Since they debuted with a disc called He Has Left Us Alone, but Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms..., ASMZ have shown a preponderance towards preposterous titles and delivered music made with a personal approach that differs much from the collectivist vehicle of the GY!BE rockband. Where that big-brother big-band stands on prized political tenets and rests on acclaimed laurels, this other outing was initially conceived as being a close-to-solo venture for Efrim, in which he could sing songs (yes, sing them!) he'd authored in the period of mourning following the death of his recently-deceased dog (this latest album being openly dedicated to "all the four-legged ones and for bruised hearts worldwide"). Of course, with each incarnation of Silver Mt. Zion, things have grown in size and scope. Where, on that first disc, they were merely A Silver Mt. Zion, by their second record Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward, they were The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, and, now, on their third album "This Is Our Punk-Rock," Thee Rusted Satellites Gather + Sing, they're The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band With Choir. Meaning, that not only has Efrim found his voice here, but with this action they invite along a whole lusty chorus of sufferers to wail away with the woes of the modern world. And, in keeping with this growing grandness, where "This Is Our Punk-Rock"... really differs from its predecessors is in the way it is staged. Just as on Godspeed! gear, here they've divided the disc up into four long "sections," these tiniest worried symphonies stretched out into different acts that're housed within the same suite. Whilst part of the appeal of this side-project was once that they'd scaled-down things — like track-length — from their regular band, now ASMZ is starting to see itself as being as important as GY!BE, this four-side concept-record an outing of grand themes and strong voice and restless spirit that sounds like no man's "side-project."

by Anthony Carew

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