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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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+ Red Carpet - The Noise Of Red Carpet
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44.1 kHz Archive

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Death Cab For Cutie

Ben Gibbard may've gotten a little embarrassed at the unlikely popularity and all the time away from his musical day job that side project the Postal Service roped him into of recent, but he needn't have gotten too concerned. That collaboratory outing with sentimentalist Los Angelean abstrackt-elecktro/soft-pop softie Jimmy Tamborello really merely showed that Gibbard's writerly lyrics and prettyboy crooning play real well when back'd with either emo-tional indie-rockin' or cutesy electro-pop beatsiness. Most of that previous sentence featured invented words, and, well, then, speaking of such, Benny G thought he'd found a new term in the lexical jungle when he boxed together tyranny-of-distance notions into the coined word "Transatlanticism," meaning to mean that feeling where the space between people seems insurmountable to such degrees it seems most metaphoric of everything that's b'tween them. Anyone who's done some kind long-distance lovin' will know the pain he's talkin', and, well, even those DCFC fans who haven't are probably sentimental and emotional enough to at least imagine that they have. And for those devoted to this rock band's increasingly artistic gear, Gibbard's a bard spinning pop-song sonnets that cause such constituents of fandom to reel real deep in some crooning-along swooning induced by the lithe lyrics. This here fourth album finds such wordy words as "and together there in a shroud of frost/ the mountain air began to pass/ through every pane of weathered glass" and "I'm reaching for the phone/ to call at 7.03/ and on your machine I slur a plea/ for you to come home" and "I wish the world was flat like the old days/ so I could travel just by folding the map/ no more airplanes or speed-trains or freeways/ there'd be no distance that could hold us back," even if the bit where the sung words are at their most convincing is on the piano-balladic title-track's winding wind-up, as the repetition of "I need you so much closer" makes said seven syllables say so much it hurts so good.

by Anthony Carew

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