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44.1 kHz Archive

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Bride Of No No
Bride Of No No

The one-sheet type write-ups for Azita's recent own-name outing seemed to imply — with "former leader of Scissor Girls and Bride of No No" phraseology — that Bride of No No was dead and buried, and that AZ's bizarre pseudo-'70s-radio-ish piano ballads were wailing on the grave of her most recent rock-'n'-roll band. A new disc from said combo throws much doubt on such semantic assumptions, especially when said disc is filled with as much life as anything Azita has offered in her checkered/stickered/acclaimed "career" thus far. Coming three years after the Bride of No No debut — the mighty-uptighty/highly-wound B.O.N.N. Apétit! — this second, self-titled album for the Chicago-based combo has been highly influenced by what Azita has been doing outside the band. Where the first record ran with the sharpened no-wave screech of the Scissor Girls and gave such spastic rhythming a sense of muscular structure, there is little in the way of such wrung-out repetition on show here. As could be expected, this gear feels like it clocks in closer to the singer/songwriter shtick of Azita's recent Enantiodromia disc. She, indeed, favors her newly-discovered grown-up wail over the ear-shredding screams of her Scissor Girl youth, and, then, in ways close to her new solo ways, the erstwhile no-wave maiden goes as far as sitting down at the piano in some key minor-key moments. The band, too, has shifted to follow suit. Where so much of that debut disc was banged out in super-tight fashion, here, Bride of No No are happy to let things get a little bit ragged; "Proven Formula" strays far from formula as it lurches along in a languorous mid-tempo stride, stumbling to go with Azita's capricious assault out front. The result is like a vestige of past-toned drug-rock utopia as some out-of-it broad wails away over the scruffiest of rock-band rock. In such, it's obvious that AZ's staunchly strident no-wave past has mellowed into a more amiable rock-'n'-roll now. That initial impression makes this second BONN record seem, on first spins, to be a lesser Azita effort; but, just like Enantiodromia, there's an uneasy quality about it that begs further investigation. And subsequent spins reveal whole worlds of incongruous wonder in wait for your surrender.

by Anthony Carew

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