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44.1 kHz Archive

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Drag City

The thing is not that the song's called "Ooh Ooh Johnny," it's that Azita — A/Z, A Z, Azita Youssefi, etc. — is telling Johnny McEntire to "bring me my Stevie Nicks," which just makes me think of coke being blown up assholes, which perhaps isn't the place to start this. Even though Stevie Nicks is not a bad place to start the musical referencing for Azita's second solo record, which is her first as, like, an actual, like, songwriter, one that sounds like she's frocked-up and coked-out in authentically Nicks-ish fashion. McEntire's both the hot guy and the hot studio guy in this equation, bringing the warm-and-nurturing black cups of coffee and utterly authentic analog tone to an album that's trying on '70s singer/songwriter threads in most earnest atavistic fashion. Youssefi's Music for Scattered Brains may've made boingy theme music out of the spookiest tape-collaging, but Enantiodromia makes show-themes out of the songsmith/piano setup. Youssefi belts them out behind the ivories as McEntire and fellow Tortoise-type cats play rhythm section and drape guitar solos in the right places. Needless to say, it's a long way from the wailing no-wave screech that Azita's best known for. Her time fronting fantastic neo-no-waveist maidens The Scissor Girls and dynamic duking-out dukes Bride of No No grants her some of the most recognized/respected post-punk credentials for those not around for the No New York album (and don't get me started on its brand-new sequel). Given that this non-no-wave disc is issued by Drag City, comparison could come from large-haired hipster songsmith Plush, whose dippy hippy piano-bar odes slyly subvert notions of the singer/songwriter. But, as singer/songwriter, Azita hardly matches her show-tune brief, feeling much more comfortable working with minor keys, maudlin chords, and a gruff, throaty singing style. In such, hearing this former no-wave purist and her helping post-rockist hands try and craft the kind of record they do makes me think of square-peg/round-hole type metaphors. Which could explain why I can't stop spinning it; each fraught, unsuccessful attempt at making over Youssefi in some Chelsea Girl/Court & Spark style sounds so incongruous it makes for both artistic friction and addictive listening.

by Anthony Carew

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