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44.1 kHz Archive

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Gold Chains
Young Miss America

There ain't no parti like a Gold Chains parti, but how the hell to describe the debauchery, to render the revelry as sensible syntax, to make sense of the shit going down here, to be able to bring down an answer that equates to Topher Lafata's self-professed "hip-hop solution"? To line up two and two and come out the other side, dancing 'til dawn at a dance-party, in possession of four, rarely laid on the floor? And to keep in time to the belligerent beats and Kit Claytoned digi-noise and booty bass and coochie references and shit? And, even knowing that Lafata comes straight outta Kid606's San Franciscan down-with-the-scene rocking the requisite attitude, and that his last Straight From Your Radio outing showed that this GC-shtick isn't some one-trick show, when you're confronted with all the MCing laid liberally all over his first album, it's still a conundrum as to how to tell the tale of Topher, and how to explain his Gold Chains, motherfucker. He's told us his headphones are large, and his speakers are in charge, but such rhymes are meant as being knowingly meaningless, and, knowing this, I know only that the swirl of entwined earnestness and irony in this American-made vanilla-choc marble-cake is much harder to unwind than the easy fashionista ribbons that come curling off of Peaches and Gonzales and the styled-up like. Rather than letting one in on the game, Lafata's lyrics keep things at comic/ironic distances, where they're shrouded in the mystique of embodying pop-cultural critique. Meaning that all his buzzword-spouting hip-hopper braggadocio is blustering hot air designed to warmly mock those rappers rapping about their cock, said rhyming-irony done warmly enough to keep you warm at night, the beats that go with stomping on the electro-thunk crunk and the bouncement broken-beat stabs in such hot-footed staccato that just listening arouses a light sweat — even though this hard-partying parti is a dance-party that I'm not sure you can actually dance to. So, yeah, this music is hot, damn hot; warm and nurturing in such heat, hot-headed in a self-conscious way, smart and stupid at once. And, this debut longplaying disc of his is cover-stickered as having "Moderate Impact," which means it's okay to sell it to teenagers, I guess. Such stuck-on warning leads to some big questions, though. Like, Is Gold Chains going t'be famous? Is he really gonna become a hip-hop hero? Are kids gonna be chanting his viciously-mocking re-chanting of Snoop's make-money-money hook with as much exuberance as they put into putting their trigger-finger in the air when they listen to dicks like D12? And, where does hip-hop class-analysis and criticism-of-lyrical-politics come into the equation for those who might, like, miss the value of comedy in this hip-hop solution?

by Anthony Carew

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