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44.1 kHz Archive

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Murder City Devils
Sub Pop

On September 11, 2001 the World Trade Center fell down in flames. More than a month later insult was added to injury when the Murder City Devils broke up. All right, so most people wouldn't equate some stupid rock band breaking up with the senseless deaths of about 3,000 innocent citizens, but then those people have probably never heard the Murder City Devils.

In short, the Murder City Devils were a punk rock band that no garage could have contained. The Devils played the music that pounds in your brain as you sit in your cell and drunkenly think to yourself, "Drinking and driving is only wrong when I get caught doing it." The Devils wrote the songs that described all of your broken relationships, broken hearts and broken teeth, especially the ones that resulted from all those broken relationships and broken hearts. The Devils wrote the songs that should have made the whole world sing.

This CD, which showcases the very last gig the Murder City Devils ever played (October 31, 2001 at the Showbox Theater in Seattle), is a sloppy drunken muddle, a jumble even messier than a break-up with yours truly. And yet it's also one of the most compelling live documents you are likely to hear. Okay, so songs like "Press Gang" and "Idle Hands" sound rather awful, and there are many flubbed lyrics, missed chords and drunken in-between song rambles that the world could probably live without, but the chaos of this CD is one of its charms. To hear a band giving up its death rattle is undeniably gripping, especially when it's a band this goshdarned good.

So this is what it sounds like when doves cry.... And this is also what it sounds like when an inspired band falls apart. The Devils are clearly very intoxicated as they stumble through their final set, and you can hear the grief they were clearly feeling that fateful night in their performance of the songs. From the opening chords of "Bear Away" the band is on fire like James Hetfield playing a gig in Montreal (kudos are extended to anyone who actually got that lame reference). The songs are raw, and played with such conviction that you can't help but wish that this was the beginning and not the end of a five-year run. The only real fault one might find with this show is that the Devils did not play "Lemuria Rising," their finest song, or their excellent cover of The Kinks' "Alcohol," certainly an appropriate tune for this show. For shame!

"Nail a cross to the door," motherfucker. It's done.

by Joseph Larkin

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