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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Midnight Evils
Straight 'Til Morning

Wow. That's the dirtiest opening solo, like, ever. The kind that is sure to require wildly contorted open-mouth movements that look like they're mowing down the blaring notes escaping the overloaded amp. The kind of solo that's so gnarly, all over the place and so reminiscent of the sloppiest of '70s hair-whipping rock, it lets you know what you're in for, for the next 12 tracks — high-powered butt-ass rock 'n' roll. Damn straight — the Midnight Evils truly know how to kick some serious ass until it's Deep Purple, keeping you up — just as the title of their latest album suggests — Straight 'Til Morning. With help from renowned Pacific Northwest producer/musician Tim Kerr — who's played with the Big Boys, Poison 13, The Monkeywrench, Lord High Fixers — the booty-shaking drives ferociously at racecar speeds, plunging into the gritty, screaming rock like there were nowhere better in the world to be. Fueled by snarling, throaty wails and excellent dual guitars, the Midnight Evils get under your skin like a sweaty, spitting, moshing mess of people kick-starting an adrenaline rush. "R D-400" growls and roars at Zeke (an intensely fast punk rock band that is no more) speeds while "Ain't Got Time for Love" feels impassioned and bittersweet — well, at least as impassioned and bittersweet as dirty, sneering rock 'n' roll can get. With a catchy stop-start beat and lotsa guitar slides, lead track "Bad Machine" lunges to and fro as it punches you in the gut, recalling AC/DC. Banging out hoots, hollers and tambourine shakes, Straight 'Til Morning wants to party with you until the sun comes up — which always hurts, but in a strange way that makes it all worth it.

by Jenny Tatone

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