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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Bitches Ain't Shit But Good People
Suicide Squeeze

This 12-inch sounds wrong at both 33 rpm and 45 rpm. At 45 rpm it sounds really, really fast. At 33 rpm it still sounds too fast. Except it's Hella and they play too fast. So both speeds are the right speed. Except only one of them is right — 45 rpm. But 33 rpm sounds pretty good too. Wrong, but good.

Hella is made up of two people — Spencer Seim, who plays guitar and looks like he belongs at a Renaissance Faire, and Zach Hill, who plays drums. Neither of them sings. Well maybe they do, but they don't sing in this band. The last song on this 12-inch has vocals that are not sung by Spencer or Zach. This is a gimmick, and like all bad gimmicks it will be forgotten and pondered by historians in years to come. Because the song, a reworking of "Republic of Rough and Ready" (the best song from Hella's first album, Hold Your Horse Is), is ruined by the whiny singer, and it's embarrassing when you get down to it. A quick fix though — play the 12-inch at 33 rpm so he sounds a bit more menacing. But then the instrumental part sounds like bad Black Sabbath. Nix the fix.

If Hella were to have a vocalist, it should be an auctioneer. The tempos of each are pretty similar, and think of how rad a noise band with bona fide subliminal messages would be! The auctioneer could toss in crazy asides like, "Let's use chairs for money," which could take down the whole capitalist system from the inside, because people would be buying this in droves. Plus, Hella fans are really rich. At one of the band's recent shows in Brooklyn, Trey Anastasio, the singer from Phish, was there rocking out, and he's LOADED!

And speaking of loaded, there's Load Records, which puts out albums by Hella's bitter rival, Lightning Bolt (in fact I don't think there's a rivalry, but the press should really create one, à la Oasis vs. Blur, Beatles vs. Stones, West Coast vs. East Coast, Jefferson Airplane vs. Jefferson Starship). Hella and Lightning Bolt are both noisenik duos, but Hella's better because their songs are melodic AND noisy. Lightning Bolt doesn't have the tunes. But suddenly there's been a third-act role reversal, cuz the new Lightning Bolt album, Wonderful Rainbow (run and buy it), is really melodic, and this Hella 12-inch is just noisy and tuneless. Maybe they each decided that the other band was the best and decided to copy them? In which case Hella is the best band, so Lightning Bolt gets points for recognizing that, and this whole equation's shot to shit in the end.

So yeah, these new songs aren't great listening, but they're great dancing, especially if you've got two left feet. It's impossible to dance to Hella songs — they're always changing tempos, and even if they weren't it's just way too fast for any real moves. But if you don't have any real moves then you've got a great excuse, because everyone looks dumb moving to it. And suddenly you're the life of the party for the first time ever. So start thrashing, loser!

by Yancey Strickler

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