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44.1 kHz Archive

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Immortal Lee County Killers II
Love Is A Charm Of Powerful Trouble

You ain't never heard nothin' like this before. Well, that is, unless you've heard the Killers' debut album, 2001's The Essential Fucked Up Blues — the perfect, roaring, spastic introduction to what this Auburn, Lee County, Ala., duo hopes to achieve: to fuck things up of course. What sort of things, you ask? Traditions, conditions, stipulations, regulations — you know, all the barrier building, stereotype-creating and image-inventing 'tions.

The punked-up, '30s and '40s blues-inspired pair want to make damaged, thrashing, sloppy and messed-up punk-blues that not only blows your mind but also proves music need not follow a straight line. And that it can survive without abiding by a set of guidelines and predictability that listeners have come to expect.

The Killers — lead singer/guitarist Chetley "El Cheetah" Weise and drummer J.R.R. Tokien — hope to remind us that blues, rock and punk all sprouted from the same fertile place — a place where rules were meant to be broken, authority questioned, individuality and sentiment (good or evil) wholeheartedly expressed. What results from such intentions? A caustic and chaotic sound drenched in thunder, desperation and loads of distortion (Weise plays his guitar through multiple amps at the highest volumes) — a frightening approach unleashed on the world to much acclaim last year and altered slightly for this year's Love Is a Charm of Powerful Trouble.

This time offering acoustic ballads with a touch of gospel influence in addition to the thrashing, nonsensical heavy numbers, the new record proves the duo is interested in fucking things up in multiple ways. Always honest and always overflowing with soul, the album features a diverse set of sounds ranging from heartfelt, impassioned and slowed-down, as on the closer "What Are They Doing in Heaven Today?" (a cover of a tune penned by Charles Tindley), to the blasting and banging title track that thrusts, struts and assaults with enormous might. The screeching "She's Not Afraid of Anything Walking" winds around gritty riffs and trashcan beats, while a cover of Willie Dixon's grim "Weak Brain, Narrow Mind" slithers at snail's pace and howls gravely.

Expect a meeting of crazed, erratic and extremely loud songs with raw, heartbroken, soulful ballads. For those of you who've not heard the Killers before, expect to blow your top. For those of you who have, well, expect to get your top blown again and again and again. It's wild!

by Jenny Tatone

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