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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Kimya Dawson
I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean
Rough Trade

I used to cry all the time. But somewhere between being a sobbing teenage malcontent and a content record-scamming twenty-some, I dried up. Now films where dogs have to be killed by the boys that love them or girls are lovingly raped by their dads or peacemaker mums get inoperable cancer just make me cringe, like the filmmaker's trying so hard, wanting to bully the audience into weeping away. And I ain't buying it. And, so, while I'm in such a state, along comes I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean, the solo album from Kimya Dawson from the Moldy Peaches. From silly, scrappy, scatalogical scuzz-toned comedy-rock duo the Moldy Peaches. Dawson being the girl in the duo who wears the bunnysuit on stage and sings things like "Who's got the crack?" The one who, on their latest single, says "Remember the time you fucked the jelly?" and "After this, you wanna go shit in a condom?". And, so, on such a solo record, on comes a song called "Reminders of Then." And my drought ends, so to speak. Over the simplest of guitar chords, and through a fog of four-track tape-hum, there's Dawson, singing softly, minus any self-conscious comedy. Singing a chorus that's beautiful and funny and sad and simple and mystical and romantic at once. Singing "Why am I surprised?/ Lies and bullshit, and bullshit and lies/ You'd think I'd give up after so many tries/ My finger's on the trigger and my eyes are on the prize." And it's enough to make a grown man, or at least some post-adolescent facsimile, shed a few quiet tears. Most unexpectedly, it's an earnest, entirely pretty song. And, most unexpectedly, it comes in an album that is almost entirely filled with such graceful exercises in strummed quietude. It's eye-opening, or, I guess, ear-opening, stuff — akin to first hearing Julie Doiron outside of Eric's Trip, even if the gap between band/solo isn't quite as pronounced in this case. I mean, Dawson hasn't really wandered far from the push-play-and-record lo-fidelity anti-folk of her main digs. It's just that it's all so quiet. And beautiful. And, save for a 90-second montage of children called "Stinky Stuff," there's not much here that isn't singer/songwriterish. Even when the record kicks out with something close to Moldy Peaches wackiness, it never rocks, never gets raucous, and never gets totally absurdist. And after Adam Green's solo debut essentially magnified the Peaches' prurience in its stripped-down setting, Dawson's solo deliverance of such prettiness and nakedness and sweetness and earnestness is even more striking.

by Anthony Carew

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