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44.1 kHz Archive

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Sometimes all it takes is one song to make everything seem better. And, again, it's Dr.Dre savin' the day for Eve on her third album, Eve-olution. Buried at the 11th track on the compact disc, "Satisfaction" makes everything else on this album seem better by its presence. It's the one true standout cut, giving the album a jewel in the glittering, if ersatz, moving-outta-the-ghetto hip-hop-princess crown that Eve places on her own "bombshell" brow. Kicking a bassline so hard it's bound to dent car doors and pop boots open, Dre flirts with old-skoolism as he works a funk-strutting slow-jam stomp. Eve rises to the laid-down challenge by laying down her best rhymes on the record, serving up sly sentiments like "Most dudes is okay/ Half of the rest ain't/ Talkin' 'bout what they wanna do/ In reality they can't/ Ask 'em what their life worth/ Watch 'em draw a blank/ Guys really ain't got no interest/ If it don't involve the bank." No doubt, it's close to being the hip-hop/R&B number of the year, and it's Dre's best track since he made Eve famous with "Let Me Blow Ya Mind" — a cut which is, curiously, tacked onto the end of this record. That inclusion speaks of the music-biz spectre that hangs over much of this disc, it now being considered fair practice for hits from previous albums to be stapled at the conclusion of new ones. That said, most hip-pop records barely resemble albums anyway, happy to let themselves be collages of production numbers, content to pad out running-time with unlistenable skits (one of the two herein is called "Argument," which is as horrible as it sounds), and eager to whore themselves for sales figures by any means deemed needed. Eve-olution, to that end, does go pretty light on the obligatory collaborations, with Alicia Keys called in for the lead single "Gangsta Lovin'," which is pretty light as it chases some smarmy summery swish-funk vibe, with Irv Gotti going tasteful/tasteless as he lays out layers of faux-harpischord keytone over a Yarbrough & Peoples-sampling groove, the album's dice-roll at a hit slipping on a wet spot as the in-the-mood sistas extol the virtues of fucking violent men. The shiny, smoochy production here is pretty representative of this record, which seems rather like Eve's post-fame paean to livin' large. Cuts like the squeaky-clean Snoop-Dogg-featuring tepid slowgroove "Hey Y'all," the Trackmasters-stylin' guitar-twangin' "Figure You Out," and the manic, ostentatious, piano/horns/wah-guitar assault of the burlesque Swizz Beatz joint "Party in the Rain" sound like the biggest of big-production numbers, happy to smooth over Eve's rap-bitch past for the social cause of movin' on up.

by Anthony Carew

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