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Q & Not U
Different Damage

Having shed their youngest member in the two years since they released No Kill Beep Beep, a debut with a playful, forced-smile façade, Q & Not U, a Washington, D.C., group, return with a more mature sound on Different Damage, one that encompasses both the pitfalls and improvements of age.

With their sound stripped of all but beat and melody (and often they are one and the same), drummer John Davis owns this record. Caressing multiple rhythms from his meager kit, Davis rifles his sticks across the snare like skipping stones in the prototypical D.C. rocker "Black Plastic Bag." And with his quick leaps from the hi-hat to the snare in several cuts including "This Are Flashes," which also boasts sharp, bottom-heavy riffs, Davis subtly accentuates post-punk's influence on the trio.

Rescuing Q & Not U from the style-as-substance post-post-punk crop are straight vocals (i.e. no breathy, heavily affected squeals and sighs) and a decidedly D.C. songwriting style. No matter how dancey or upbeat the song, the core is still anchored to the decades-old Dischord aesthetic of virtuosity, furrowed brows and controlled chaos. The figurehead of this sound, Fugazi's Ian Mackaye, produced Different Damage (as he did No Kill), and his smudged fingerprints can be felt in the brashness of the two previously mentioned cuts, as well as in "When the Lines Go Down." Mackaye's punk touch and Q's hyperactive nature don't quite mesh, making the album unpredictable. Which is great, obviously.

Yet the playfulness of the debut (which itself pales in comparison to the group's lively gigs) has significantly waned in round two. Midway through "Hooray for Humans," one of No Kill's better cuts, singer Chris Richards literally spelled out their party line, yelling, "D! O! W! N!/ And that's the way we get down!" "Soft Pyramids," Different Damage's opener, begins with Richards spelling once again, but this time in a timid coo. "S-O-F/ T-P-Y/ R-A-M/ I-D-S/ E-V-A/ P-O-R/ A-T-E," he gently offers as guitar chimes mimic his voice. It's clear from its morose, stark minimalism — each note and snap perfectly placed, plus a lovely melodica solo — that somebody doesn't feel like partying anymore.

By slowing down and turning their songs inward, rather than just focusing on getting crowds into a fervor, Q & Not U have discovered strengths that probably surprised even them. "Snow Patterns" bears an odd resemblance to The Beatles' "Julia," tenderly double-tracked vocals offering such realist lines as "Wrapped in fabrics/ We'll wait patiently to see something/ So beautiful and it will take the breath out of our lungs." The lyrics are fantastic and the arrangement even better — a pulsing bass line and a snare-heavy beat betraying the restrained melody.

And having established how Q & Not U have changed, here's the real shocker: Things really aren't all that different. Richards is more comfortable singing, which erases the whiny nature that marred some of their earlier material, but this is still a band that makes a good party great. Their energy has always been irresistible — even without getting on the dance floor. Different Damage reestablishes their visceral powers, but also makes room for the wallflowers.

by Yancey Strickler

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