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Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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The Martinets
New Stories For Men
Scooch Pooch

Funny thing about punk lovers — they all like it dished out a bit differently. Some dig it smacking, hardcore and harsh; some want it sweetly sugarcoated in pop; some crave it relished with abstract noise, and others savor it dressed up in rockabilly licks and stomping country beats. Often punk connoisseurs are quite picky, refusing to venture outside their punk of choice, fearing they might be left with a nasty aftertaste.

But The Martinets — a punk rock foursome led by Daniel Rey (who worked with The Ramones and produced Joey Ramone's posthumous album) — cook up a recipe undedicated to a narrow purist sound. It's not hardcore, it's not pop-punk, it's not retro-punk — what it is is downright good punk likely to satisfy the choosiest of punk fans.

The New York City band — guitarist Rey, bassist Dave Rick, drummer Roger Murdock and singer/guitarist Eamon Bowles — manage to be melodic and catchy without being too foo-foo glitter-pop. They bring an experienced might to their rock without being too droning or, God forbid, boring. And when they borrow from the New York Dolls and The Replacements, they even somehow escape coming across as thieves.

New Stories for Men, the band's second full-length, is simple, infectious, skilled and passionate. These guys know what they're doing. Rey played guitar in Masters of Reality and the Ronnie Spector Band, and worked with The Ramones over the years while each of his bandmates were playing in numerous previous groups. Driven by fast-fingered, Johnny Thunder-style guitar playing and rockin' beats, "Levitation" sounds like it could be off The Replacements' Pleased to Meet Me, but lyrically recalls The Pixies ("levitate me," anyone?). Likely the most glam-tinged of the bunch, "You're So Perfect" has dark beats, a grinding riff and a hilariously pathetic lyric: "Now you're so cool/ And I'm still in art school/ Salivating in my dreams/ You're so perfect it's killing me/ Go on, go ahead/ Go to Paris/ Go to Paris/ Leave me stupid and embarrassed/ I can take it, I can take it." The ballad "The Finer Things" sways on a sad guitar line, drum rolls and remorseful singing: "Should've been arrested/ For the way I treated you."

New Stories for Men combines melody and emotion with powerful guitar rock for a concoction that allows all us punk fans to get along just fine.

by Jenny Tatone

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