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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

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44.1 kHz Archive

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Damon & Naomi On Tour With Kurihara
Song To The Siren: Live In San Sebastian

Damon & Naomi are sweet, nice, beautiful people who make sweet, nice, beautiful music. The thought doesn't seem that staggering until you play context-seeking rock-journalista and look around the rest of the pop-cultural canon and find how few folk such qualities actually apply to. Released as half of a two disc CD/DVD set that also features Naomi Yang's genial video tour diary, this recording of a show played Live in San Sebastian finds Damon & Naomi, diffident live performers at best, in absolutely sterling form. They deliver a set largely populated by tracks from their brilliant Damon & Naomi With Ghost long-player, with Ghost's own Michio Kurihara on hand on tour to lace his limber electric-guitar playing over the pair's misty, majestic melancholia. In this setting, Kurihara serves as a catalyst, helping to draw the folkie duo out of their shy shell. The insularity of their quiet craft often seems an exercise in indulgent romanticism, but with Kurihara stoking the psychedelic spirit that Damon & Naomi made their name from as the rhythm section in Galaxie 500 and then Magic Hour, the gentle sparks of this collaborative union keep the set smoldering glowingly.

As is their practice, the set revolves around "The Navigator," Damon Krukowski's ode to the vagaries of live performing, which was the band's first single before turning up again at the centre of their third album Playback Singers. The pair manage to reaffirm one's faith in the humble wonder of their weepy, winsome, soft-pop evocation of acid-folk. In this version, songs like "The Great Wall" and "Tanka" use Kurihara's guitar to great effect, unfolding into heaving psychedelic mantras born only from two guitars and bass. Without drums, the pair march forward on the percussive qualities of Krukowski's acoustic strums, whether they ring ragged as bold rhythm, or just softly tread through the chords, as on his impassioned version of Tim Buckley's "Song to the Siren," in which Yang joins in vocal harmony so resplendent it serves as the set's titular number, the song's sentiment a summation of the pair's oblatory musical sentimentalism.

by Anthony Carew

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