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edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

+ Donato Wharton - Body Isolations
+ Svalastog - Woodwork
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+ Deloris - Ten Lives
+ Minimum Chips - Lady Grey
+ Badly Drawn Boy - Born In The U.K.
+ The Hold Steady - Boys And Girls Together
+ The Blood Brothers - Young Machetes
+ The Places - Songs For Creeps
+ Camille - Le Fil
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+ The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
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+ Calexico - Garden Ruin (Review #1)
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+ Band Of Horses - Everything All The Time
+ Dudley Perkins - Expressions
+ Growing - Color Wheel
+ Red Carpet - The Noise Of Red Carpet
+ The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
+ Espers - II
+ Wilderness - Vessel States

44.1 kHz Archive

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Hot Hot Heat
Knock Knock Knock
Sub Pop

Why is the comeback of new wave triggering folks to curiously ponder it, as if it were somehow shocking, or at least unexpected? There's nothing odd about the resurgence of the early-'80s artsy and dark post-punk movement. Every decade recycles its defining qualities, namely, music and fashion. A small, usually 20-something, sector of each generation looks back to a particular era feeling that they missed out. Thus, by bringing it back, they get to live it for the first time. Meanwhile the 40-something crowd chuckles over the silly, inauthentic revival and claims haughtily, "We were there first."

It would seem, however, that to move forward, regression is necessary. In the late '80s and early '90s, Nirvana toiled with late-'70s punk and early-'80s hardcore to create something fresh, which ultimately became the grunge explosion. So, perhaps, while the latest underground trend is to rediscover new wave (the mainstream is a bit slower, just now catching up to punk), an all-new movement is in the making. We can only hope.

In the meantime, Vancouver, B.C.'s Hot Hot Heat have got that retro fever. Their five-song Sub Pop EP debut, Knock Knock Knock, gets the hips shaking with banging melodies, spastic yelps and trashy rhythms.

Opening track "Le Le Low" is driven fervently by quiet-loud build-ups and infectious, erratic beats, while "Touch You Touch You" most recalls The Cure for its Robert Smith-like desperate, drawn-out vocals, an intense wall-of-sound rhythm section and reverberating, angular guitar. With an upbeat ska riff, light and happy drumming and jangly melodies, closing track "More for Show" is the record's most lighthearted moment.

All this resurrection, when done with passion and skill, can be quite fun and come as a first to many young music fans. And if this is the hurdle to hop in order to arrive at the next movement in music, with bands like Hot Hot Heat it's well worth the leap. And, by the way, if you really want to think forward — get those flannels out, that grunge revival will be here sooner than you might imagine!

by Jenny Tatone

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