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44.1kHz = music reviews

edited by michael goldbergcontact

Editor's note: We have activated the Neumu 44.1 kHz Archive. Use the link at the bottom of this list to access hundreds of Neumu reviews.

+ Donato Wharton - Body Isolations
+ Svalastog - Woodwork
+ Tim Hecker - Harmony In Ultraviolet
+ Rosy Parlane - Jessamine
+ Jarvis Cocker - The Jarvis Cocker Record
+ Múm - Peel Session
+ Deloris - Ten Lives
+ Minimum Chips - Lady Grey
+ Badly Drawn Boy - Born In The U.K.
+ The Hold Steady - Boys And Girls Together
+ The Blood Brothers - Young Machetes
+ The Places - Songs For Creeps
+ Camille - Le Fil
+ Wolf Eyes - Human Animal
+ Christina Carter - Electrice
+ The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
+ Junior Boys - So This Is Goodbye
+ Various Artists - Musics In The Margin
+ Rafael Toral - Space
+ Bob Dylan - Modern Times
+ Excepter - Alternation
+ Chris Thile - How To Grow A Woman From The Ground
+ Brad Mehldau - Live in Japan
+ M Ward - Post-War
+ Various Artists - Touch 25
+ The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely
+ The White Birch - Come Up For Air
+ Camera Obscura - Let's Get Out of This Country
+ Coachwhips - Double Death
+ Various Artists - Tibetan And Bhutanese Instrumental And Folk Music, Volume 2
+ Giuseppe Ielasi - Giuseppe Ielasi
+ Cex - Actual Fucking
+ Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
+ Leafcutter John - The Forest And The Sea
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+ Marsen Jules - Les Fleurs
+ The Moore Brothers - Murdered By The Moore Brothers
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+ The 1900s - Plume Delivery EP
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+ Function - The Secret Miracle Fountain
+ Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped
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+ Deadboy And The Elephantmen - We Are Night Sky
+ Glissandro 70 - Glissandro 70
+ Calexico - Garden Ruin (Review #2)
+ Calexico - Garden Ruin (Review #1)
+ The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics
+ The Glass Family - Sleep Inside This Wheel
+ Various Artists - Songs For Sixty Five Roses
+ The Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea
+ Motorpsycho - Black Hole/Blank Canvas
+ The Red Krayola - Introduction
+ Metal Hearts - Socialize
+ American Princes - Less And Less
+ Sondre Lerche And The Faces Down Quartet - Duper Sessions
+ Supersilent - 7
+ Band Of Horses - Everything All The Time
+ Dudley Perkins - Expressions
+ Growing - Color Wheel
+ Red Carpet - The Noise Of Red Carpet
+ The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
+ Espers - II
+ Wilderness - Vessel States

44.1 kHz Archive

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Busta Rhymes

B. Rhymes is all hype and hyper; and, as contemporary recording artist, he's hyper-prolific. His records are regular events at a time in which record companies would rather milk each album for all they can. They — the Rhymes recs — are always brightly lit and bobby-dazzling, some 70-some-mins-long set of songs that project a Hype Williams movie in your brain. And, to me, they always seem like the ultimate barometer of the MTV-hop generation. Style begets stylissimo, but little substance. Shiny surfaces only. A shrine to persona. Busta's got the skills t'pay th'bills, and the bills to pay the producers, and Genesis finds appearance-fee appearances from all the hot hands: Neptunes, Dre, Michaelangelo, Just Blaize, P. Diddy. These hip-pop Event records, like Event movies, are rarely more than the sum of their parts, perfunctory impulse purchases in which special effects mask all — the good and the bad — with the masculine artifice of cool. In such circumstances, an impressive cast of popular humans and some tasteful art-direction are usually more than enough to make the time tick over without concern, but on Genesis the ruse doesn't quite suspend disbelief. Disbelieving, you actually start to feel its perfunctory nature coming through. Busta's got the skills — he's in vintage verbal rotary-sprinkler-styled hyperswift syllable-spitting form on "Break Ya Neck" — but here it really seems like he doesn't know what else to be but this, his prolific back catalogue seeming like a soup in which this projected "personality" is the only thing that stays afloat, and this record here being merely a release between the last one and the next one. So, like, no matter how many choice joints are served up with multi-purpose panache — this record will sound great playing in clubs, cars, on headphones, through MP3 compression — you're left with a sense of an expensive, well-lit collage-piece, an assemblage of inventive individual scenes that don't make for a winning screenplay.

by Anthony Carew

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