On the soundtrack to Sofia Coppola's remarkable debut film, "The Virgin Suicides," the increasingly popular retro-futurist French duo Air matched her dissertations on nostalgia and popular culture's influence on human memory with similar sound. The thick musical moods they deployed seemed like idle recollections of an idyllic 1970s from a here-and-now overrun by technology. On their second proper longplayer, Air project that melancholy forward, depicting romantic recollections from a future world in which "technology" has attained sci-fi levels. They render this concept most obviously when they mix gorgeously recorded organic instruments with crisp digital beats and computer-generated spoken voices. On "How Does It Make You Feel?," the song steps down a melancholy path of acoustic guitars, warm bass, live drums and choral vocals, while a dehumanized robot voice cycles through syllables unaware of the gravity of the words it speaks: "You are the most beautiful entity that I've ever dreamed of/ At night I will protect you in your dreams/ I will be your angel."