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It's 'Those Girls From Sleater-Kinney'

Making punk rock 'n' roll in a post-9/11 world.

Interview Jenny Tatone

"There's this certain magic that happens in the studio. Out of all the mundane-ness of recording, if you have the right people around you something really incredible can happen. This time there were a lot of magic moments that just clicked." — Janet Weiss
Tatone: Could you talk more about your experience in the studio recording, how it all went when you were there?

Weiss: We were pretty prepared for this record. We had a lot of time to mull things over. And, like I said, we made demos of the songs, which is the first time we ever did that. And we recorded in a familiar environment. We actually did a few of the songs at my house, and we recorded songs at Jackpot here in Portland, so it was comfortable. We could all be at our homes and be rested.

Tucker: It was relatively uneventful. Things went as planned. Because we were in a comfortable situation, we were able to complete the songs as we wanted.

There are rough spots. There were songs... like "Combat Rock," that was definitely a challenge to get that song the right sound. We did it over and over until we got it just right. Janet actually played to a click track, 'cause we wanted a really specific feel for that song.

Weiss: The click track that speeds up and slows down [laughing].

Tucker: But, speaking of that kind of stuff, I think if we had been in a rushed situation, we might have sacrificed getting this great version of what you want.

Weiss: The kind of trauma that stays with you in the studio is personal trauma. Like, nobody got in huge fights and we all were getting along really well. So, it's true, I blocked out all the things that went wrong, 'cause we ended up overcoming the problems. I don't think there were any problems left unsolved. We really pushed to have things the way we wanted. It was fun.

Tucker: We didn't argue with John, but we had to sometimes really push him to get the songs the way we wanted. Because we all respect each other so much, it made it a totally great recording session.

Weiss: Because of the fact we pushed things through, it's the most listenable album for me that we've made. I can listen to that whole album and there's really not much I'd change about it. We really got it how we wanted it. Maybe a few little tiny things — but that's just me.

Tatone: Can you tell the difference between the ones that were recorded in the studio and the ones recorded at your house?

Weiss: I can, but I'm sure no one else can.

Tatone: Why did you choose to do it that way?

Brownstein: Mainly for the drum sounds.

Weiss: To change the feel of the drums.

Tatone: Which songs?

Weiss: "Sympathy," and there's a two-song bonus CD, a song called "Lions and Tigers." That doesn't come out until Aug. 20.

Tucker: Yeah, no one gets that one till then, only the first 20,000 people who buy the CD.

Brownstein: Or 10,000 maybe.


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