Monday, March 10, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Seducing Dr. Lewis cinematronic

Jean-François Pouliot


Raymond Bouchard, David Boutin, Benoît Brière, Pierre Collin, Lucie Laurier, Bruno Blanchet, Rita Lafontaine, Clémence DesRochers, Donald Pilon, Jean-Pierre Gonthier, Ken Scott, Marie-France Lambert



rating rating cinematronic
  It's tall-tale time with "Seducing Dr. Lewis," a French-Canadian equivalent of the whimsical small-town fluff dispensed by the UK frolic "Waking Ned Devine," TV's "Northern Exposure" and the dreamy Scottish seaside comedy "Local Hero." Wry and agreeable, "Seducing Dr. Lewis" is a movie about a benign scam. A corporation plans to build a factory in the economically depressed fishing village of Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne and provide jobs that can get everyone off the dole, as long as the town has a full-time physician. But there hasn't been a local sawbones for years, so the citizens search for one who is willing to relocate to St. Marie. They strike out until fate dumps flashy Montreal plastic surgeon Christopher Lewis (David Boutin) into their laps for a short stay as a temporary doctor. Now, all of St. Marie, led by scruffy retiree Germain (Raymond Bouchard), must convince Lewis to embrace their hamlet as a permanent home, even though he's yearning to return to the big city. The locals try to disguise the ramshackle nature of the community, recasting it as "quaint," and their efforts to create an environment in line with the doctor's idiosyncratic interests are charmingly sneaky. Even the necessary presence of a smart, beautiful, independent St. Marie resident (Lucie Laurier) as a potential love interest for Dr. Lewis is well handled by director Jean-François Pouliot and writer Ken Scott.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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