Sunday, February 16, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Paparazzi cinematronic

Paul Abascal


Cole Hauser, Tom Sizemore, Robin Tunney, Dennis Farina, Daniel Baldwin, Tom Hollander, Kevin Gage, Blake Bryan



rating rating cinematronic
  It's worth noting that actor/filmmaker Mel Gibson produced the movie-star revenge fantasy "Paparazzi." Gibson's history in the spotlight suggests that he doesn't relish the more intrusive aspects of fame, but if this film is his way of vicariously punishing the press for tormenting him, it's a feeble attempt. "Paparazzi" is formula to the nth degree. The best thing that can be said about it is that it's downright sidesplitting in its overheated way. Cole Hauser ("2 Fast 2 Furious") plays Bo Laramie, a newly famous Hollywood action hero who is unprepared for the hostile attention paid to him and his family by the media. In particular, the unscrupulous photographers for a typically dishonest tabloid target Bo, tormenting him, his spunky-but-fragile wife Abby (Robin Tunney) and their nauseatingly cute kid (Blake Bryan). Ringleader of the paparazzi dogging Bo is the deceitful, supremely heartless Rex Harper, played with villainous glee by Tom Sizemore, no stranger to public notoriety after his own brushes with the law. When Harper and his corrupt colleagues recklessly endanger Abby and the kid, Bo can take no more and decides to put a stop to their malicious business. A puzzled police detective (Dennis Farina) starts sniffing around the situation as it reaches critical mass. Cameos from Vince Vaughn, Matthew McConaughey, Chris Rock and Gibson don't make this garbage smell any sweeter.  


I'm Not There / Love In The Time Of Cholera / Gone Baby Gone / Delirious / 2 Days In Paris /


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