Sunday, February 16, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  New York Minute cinematronic

Dennie Gordon


Ashley Olsen, Mary-Kate Olsen, Eugene Levy, Andy Richter, Riley Smith, Jared Padalecki, Drew Pinsky, Darrell Hammond, Andrea Martin, Jack Osbourne



rating rating cinematronic
  The Olsen Twins, fresh-faced idols of tweener girls, insist that they be known as Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen. As if these look-alike sisters have unique identities apart from one another. Their petulant stab at individuality comes on the occasion of the flimsy family comedy "New York Minute," their first theatrical film after many multimillion-earning TV movies and straight-to-DVD projects. Boosted by a supporting cast with respected comic actors Eugene Levy, Andy Richter, Darrell Hammond and Andrea Martin, it moves at a breezy pace and displays no genuine hilarity or inspiration. The Olsens, ex-sitcom toddlers, are now budding teenagers with big saucer eyes and pert noses. Although "New York Minute" shows them getting screen kisses from boys and running around town clad only in bath towels, they're still reminiscent of cute little troll dolls. They play antagonistic siblings day-tripping from Long Island to the city. Overachiever Jane (Ashley) is giving a speech in a scholarship competition; slacker Roxy (Mary-Kate) is skipping school and going to a rock video shoot to promote her band. But a crazed truant officer (Levy) is after Roxy, and an incompetent gangster (Richter) is after a computer chip in Jane's handbag. Sounds like screwball fun, except for a tired script and sisters with the acting and comedic skills of a typical mall rat.  


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