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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  The Punisher cinematronic

Jonathan Hensleigh


Thomas Jane, John Travolta, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Will Patton, Roy Scheider, Samantha Mathis, Ben Foster, Laura Harring, John Pinette, Eddie Jemison, Kevin Nash



rating rating cinematronic
  Numerous unsavory baddies are punished in "The Punisher," another film adaptation of a Marvel Comics series. This one has nothing to do with radioactive spiders or genetic mutations. It's a gritty, more realistic property about war-hero/lawman Frank Castle, who becomes an ultra-violent vigilante when criminals slaughter his wife and family. Genre fans should be relieved. There's tons of action, the script doesn't deviate too far from the source material, and Thomas Jane brings the right macho menace and inner pain to the role of Castle. But the stabs at humor amid the carnage are too Schwarzenegger-as-Terminator, with deadpan punch lines from Castle that reek of screenwriter sarcasm. Although a few of the japes are worth a snort, they undercut the tragedy of Castle's life and dampen emotion that could have emerged from a more sober approach to the material. Jokey moments aren't the only problem: John Travolta really hams it up as Castle's nemesis Howard Saint — a wealthy, cruel mob boss, not a supervillain. The quiet menace of Will Patton as Saint's henchman is far more effective. On the Marvel-ous front, "The Punisher" is not in the rarified league of the "Spider-Man" and "X-Men" movies; it's more like the less inspired "Daredevil" flick. With Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Roy Scheider and Samantha Mathis.  


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