Saturday, February 8, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Honey cinematronic

Bille Woodruff


Jessica Alba, Lil' Romeo, Mekhi Phifer, David Moscow, Zachary Williams, Joy Bryant, Missy Elliott, Anthony Sherwood, Lonette McKee



rating rating cinematronic
  Even Nutrasweet and Equal leave a better aftertaste than "Honey," a laughably predictable fable of show-biz success that's aimed at teenagers who channel-surf between MTV and BET. Nubile Jessica Alba (TV's "Dark Angel") plays idealistic heroine Honey, a young, ghetto-fabulous dancer/bartender who becomes an in-demand choreographer of music videos. Of course, Honey has to triumph over adversity before the climactic, radio-friendly soundtrack tune runs over the end credits. That means she'll be fending off the slavering advances of the piggish video director (David Moscow) who gives her that first break, showing her parents that hip-hop dancing is as worthwhile a gig as ballet, and giving back to the community that spawned her. The screenwriters shamelessly steal from "Flashdance," "Fame," "Beat Street," "Breakin'," "A Star Is Born" and random MGM musicals of the '30s and '40s. ("We can put on the benefit right here in this abandoned church!") Director Bille Woodruff mimics the style of the R&B videos on his résumé. If you don't know that Honey will hook up with the nicest "brotha" in the Bronx (Mekhi Phifer), save a lost kid (Lil' Romeo) from "gangsta" abuse and win the admiration of rap star Missy Elliott, where ya been?  


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