Monday, February 17, 2025 
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Cinematronic by Michael Snyder
  Daredevil cinematronic

Mark Steven Johnson


Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Colin Farrell, Michael Clarke Duncan, Jon Favreau, Joe Pantoliano



rating rating cinematronic
  Marvel Comics has rolled out "Daredevil," another of its superhero properties, in an attempt to duplicate the phenomenal success of Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man" film. The adventures of the blind vigilante Daredevil are not as colorful and flamboyant as those of Spider-Man. Still, "Daredevil," with Ben Affleck in the title role, is an entertaining getaway. Writer/director Mark Steven Johnson oversees a somber, compact, well-visualized introduction to Matt Murdock, who loses his eyesight in a childhood accident but finds his other senses enhanced to a fantastic degree. Due to a family tragedy, he dedicates himself to seeking justice as a lawyer by day and a nimble masked hero by night. His adversaries are mobsters, controlled by the massive, cruel Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan), and Bullseye (Colin Farrell), an assassin so accurate he can kill you by tossing a paper clip at your throat. Matt's allies are his law partner (Jon Favreau) and a journalist (Joe Pantoliano). His love interest (Jennifer Garner of TV's "Alias") is a rich girl with surprising fighting skills. Although lively, "Daredevil" is short on emotional depth, and Affleck's stiff acting is the culprit.  


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